{17} Ubers and Redbox

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Charlotte's POV

"Charlotte?" came a familiar voice.

Looking at the woman in front of me, I almost didn't recognize her. Lemon had gotten significantly skinnier, and her face looked so much older. But it wasn't just that. It was in the way she carried herself. She was far more self-assured and confident now.  I liked this Lemon better.  But why was she here? And why hadn't she written me back?

"Hey Lemon," I slurred. 

"You're drunk," she said flatly. 

"Only a little," I said back.

Lemon ran a hand through her hair in indecision. "I'll be right back, just wait here," she said quickly.

Waiting at the restaurant bar, a wide range of emotions passed over me. Confusion and sadness, anger and joy. I had spent the past year missing Lemon. She was everywhere. In my dreams, in class, and in the nights I spent alone in my apartment. 

In Miami, I had sent her a letter every month. I remembered how excited I felt as I searched through the pile of letters each evening, looking for just one message from Lemon. One. But the letter never came. And now here I was, seeing her for the first time in a year, intoxicated and alone.

"That'll be $39.50 ma'am," the bartender called to me, interrupting my moment of contemplation. I reached into my purse slowly. Shit. 

I jumped as a 50 dollar bill slammed onto the table in front of me.  "Keep the change," Lemon stated. I turned gratefully to see another woman beside her. She was beautiful, from her red dress to her light-brown complexion. So this was why Lemon hadn't written me back. She'd found a hotter girl to replace me.

"You must be Charlotte! Lemon and I go to NYU together," the woman said, extending her arm out to me. I ignored her. 

"You got into NYU?" I asked Lemon incredulously. 

Lemon stared at me for a while, confusion in her expression. "Yeah," she said slowly, biting her lip with worry. "Where are you staying tonight, Char?"

"I have an apartment in Manhattan," I answered.

"That's really far from here."

"I'm taking the subway," I said, a hint of anger in my voice. I got up to leave

"No, you're not," Lemon stated, shaking her head. She turned to the woman next to her. "I'm sorry about tonight Skylar. I had such a wonderful time with you, I really did. But I can't just leave her here, you know?" Was she aware that I could hear every word she said? 

"Okay, I understand," said Skylar. "Coffee tomorrow?" 

"Of course!" Lemon replied, smiling.  The woman exited the door. A gust of wind filled the bar, making me shiver.

"She's beautiful," I said, nodding. I felt bitterness trickle into my voice. "She really is. And she seems to really have her life put together. You might as well just leave me here, now that you've so clearly traded up."

Lemon sighed. "Charlotte, don't do this now."

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked her. "I've had an awful day, you know that? And just when it seemed like I was finally getting control over myself, you come here and mess me up all over again."

"I'm sorry," Lemon said softly. "That was never my intention. In fact, I had no idea you even lived in New York City."

"I go to Columbia. I play softball there."

"That's great Charlotte! Your surgery must have been a success. I'm really happy for you," she said genuinely, reaching out to take my hand. Her hand was soft and warm against my cold clammy ones. "Let's get out of here, okay?"

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