{18} Solving a Mystery

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"Wake up sleepyhead." I opened my eyes to see Charlotte looking down on me, a faint smile on her face. "I think your girlfriend is trying to talk to you."

Shit. I must have fallen asleep during the movie. "What time is it?" I asked, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"10 am," Charlotte said, smirking. "You looked so peaceful, I just couldn't bring myself to wake you up."

"Oh," I said, my vision slowly clearing. Charlotte looked completely different today than yesterday. Her hair was up in a neat bun, and she was wearing a white button-up blouse. The deep gash on her chin had scabbed over. "You look fancy."

"Yeah, I have a meeting with my student advisor at 10:45 and I don't want to appear completely homeless," she said. The anger in Charlotte's voice from yesterday had completely dissipated, and she actually seemed... happy.

"Um, did Skylar call?" I asked, trying not to meet her eyes.

"Yeah," she said, handing me my phone. "Don't worry, I didn't peak." 

10 missed calls. Oh no. I dialed the number quickly. "I'm at Starbucks Lem, where are you?" 

"On the subway," I said quickly. "Be there in ten." I hung up.

"The subway?" Charlotte joked. "You better get your butt over there quick."

"You're right,"I replied. "Actually do you have any clothes I could borrow?"

"Sure," Charlotte said, smiling. "Follow me."  Walking behind her, I looked around me in surprise. No beer bottles anywhere. Her house was spotless. Charlotte noticed my expression. "Did a little cleaning."

"Oh," I answered. "Cool." Charlotte handed me an envelope.

"It's cash, for the bar."

"Thanks," I said slowly. The difference between Charlotte right now and the Charlotte I'd seen  last night was night and day. It left me stunned. As I watched her walk towards her closet, taking out a sweater and some pants, I noticed she was limping slightly. Not that I was staring or anything. 

"Lemon?" Charlotte inquired, the clothes still dangling in her outstretched arm.

"Uh, thanks," I said blankly, grabbing them. "Your leg."

"I tripped," Charlotte confessed, a faint blush forming on her face. "During a game a couple of days ago. It was kind of embarrassing."

"Can you still play?" I asked with concern. 

"Doesn't matter," Charlotte said, sighing. "I'm on probation for two weeks."


"I might have shown up drunk to the game," she murmured, looking down at the ground. "I'm definitely not proud of it."

"You never used to drink," I stated matter-of-factly. "Not that I'm saying you shouldn't. But I don't think you should."

"Sneaky," Charlotte said, smiling sadly. "I'm trying to stop. It's just some nights it gets really scary."

"I know."

"I missed you," she finally said, looking up at me. "I know everything is different now, and that you have someone else in your life, but living in Miami without you was so hard. And then when my mother...," Charlotte's voice broke down as tears began to run down her cheek. She wiped her face quickly. "I just want you to know that I'm okay with being friends or whatever. Whenever I'm with you, I just feel... whole again."

I looked at her stunned. Charlotte's speech had completely taken me by surprise, and I was at a loss for words. It took all of my effort not to close the distance between us and press my lips against hers. Not that I still loved her or anything like that. I just wanted to help her.

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