{24} Aftermath

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Kara's POV 

I entered my father's office with the spare key he'd given me, immediately astonished by how disorganized everything was. I was fully aware of what he did with his clients and it disgusted me to the core. But I was never the type to fight back, which made me a bystander in Archibald Steven's crimes. 

As I approached the interview list he asked me to retrieve, a name caught my eye. Charlotte Black. I felt my heart drop. I never knew Charlotte was a writer. I recalled the first time she'd entered my office, alone and scared. I immediately felt a striking similarity between us. We'd both lost our mothers, felt contempt towards our fathers, and were trying to find our way in this world.

I couldn't let Charlotte become another victim in my father's antics. I could try to tell the world about his lengthy history of sexual assault, but the legal system seemed to always turn a blind eye to things like that. I needed to uncover some other serious dirt on him. I was almost certain he had more skeletons in the closet.

I hurriedly opened his laptop which was protected by a four digit pin. 6969, I typed with uncertainty. It immediately granted me access. I knew my father too well. I searched through emails, files, and documents for anything remotely incriminating but came up empty. Finally my eyes came upon a file titled: Maria. That was my mother's name.

I clicked on it, audibly gasping at what was inside. Email drafts and receipts to at least a dozen major writing organizations, bribing them with millions of dollar in cash to grant recognition and awards to his clients. Typical Archibald to use my deceased mother's name to hide his illegal activities. 

I quickly took pictures of his laptop and office, printing pages and pages of unlawful documents. Then I called the police. They were clearly reluctant to arrest such a prominent and powerful figure in the city, but they gave their word that he would soon be in custody. 

After everything was done and my father was officially behind bars, I still felt the familiar feeling of guilt wash over me. I had spent years and years doing nothing. Standing in my father's office now, I knew I had to do something to right these wrongs. I scanned the list of Archibald Steven's past interviews.

 I would start with Lemon Hatfield.

Charlotte's POV

"Ow!" I exclaimed, as Lemon examined my hand. We had been staying in my apartment following the chaos of the night before.

"From my very limited knowledge of the human body from taking Anatomy in high school, I think you'll be fine," Lemon announced with a grin, giggling to herself.

"What?" I demanded. "Does my pain amuse you?"

"You get hurt, and I'm taking care of you," she smirked. "Just like old times, huh?"

I laughed in response. "I guess you're right. My coach is going to kill me though."

"We can worry about that later," Lemon said with a reassuring smile. "Although, I have a question for you."

"Hit me."

"I've just been thinking about things," she began, her voice suddenly shy. "When the letters failed, why did you never text or call me?" she asked, her light brown eyes locking with mine.

"I was afraid I had become a burden when you were evidently trying to move on. I wanted you to be able to let me go. I wanted you to have a fresh start. After all, I was the one who moved to Miami."

"Oh," Lemon said, gazing at me for a moment. "You could never be a burden Charlotte, and I never moved on." 

I smiled brightly. "Really?"

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