{30} The New Normal

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Lemon's POV

"There's no way I'm going back!"

"Come on Lemon, you have to," insisted my roommate. "You haven't been at Writer's Club for months now."

"You know why, Chloe," I shot back.

"Maybe she won't show up," Chloe suggested hopefully.

"She's literally the president," I grumbled, laying on my bed and staring up at the ceiling in defeat.

"Fine, don't go," Chloe replied. "But I know you secretly want to."

"Do not," I protested. 


I paced back and forth near the library entrance. Chloe was right, I missed the days of sitting around a table and talking about our favorite books and which Hogwarts house we were from. The club had allowed me to branch out and discuss the things I was most passionate about.

I took a deep breath and entered the library. I could feel the stares and glances from all of those around me. Some glared, and some just looked startled to see me there. Right before I was about to turn around and leave this place forever, Marley ran up to me, her blue hair bouncing as she approached.

She pulled me into a tight embrace, causing me to tense up in surprise. "Welcome back! I missed you a ton," she said against my shoulder. She pulled away, staring at me with amazement. "Is it true?"

"What?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"You helped catch that creepy publisher," she explained much to my shock. "You were there when they arrested him."

"How did you know that?" I asked, my eyes widening. I felt myself shudder involuntarily at the memory.

"Skylar told all of us," Marley explained. "Jesus Lemon, you don't look well."

"I'm fine," I mumbled. "I'm just surprised, that's all. Where is she, by the way?"

"Skylar?" I nodded. "I thought you would know," Marley replied with confusion.

"We broke up," I said dryly. Had she seriously not told anyone about what happened between us? I figured she'd spread all sorts of rumors about me by now.

"Oh," Marley exclaimed sympathetically. "I'm so sorry to hear about that. I honestly had no idea. Well, if I see her don't worry, I'll protect you." 

"That will not be necessary," Skylar stated behind us, causing both of us to jump. Marley blushed in embarrassment.

"Hi Skylar," she greeted, looking down at her shoes.

"Hello to the both of you," Skylar responded smoothly. If there was anything I admired about her, it was her ability to remain cool in the most uncomfortable of situations. She turned to me, her hazel eyes blazing. "Long time no see, Lemon. Could we talk in private?"

As we walked together, Marley shot me a guilty look. "Good luck," she mouthed as she disappeared from sight. We finally stopped behind a row of bookshelves. I felt myself tense up subconsciously.

"Chill Lemon, it's not like I'm going to bite you." I wasn't so sure about that. "Look, I regret how things ended between us. I don't want everything to be awkward anymore. I want you to be able to come to book group without feeling uncomfortable."

"Me too," I said, trying to contain the remaining anger and hurt from our previous interactions from my voice. But I still had one question. "Why didn't you badmouth me to the rest of the group but still tell them that I was a part of Archibald Stevens' arrest?"

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