{23} Caught in the Act

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Lemon's POV

Doing nothing right now was probably the hardest thing in my entire life.

I sat in suspense in the bathroom at Raul's, listening to the conversation happening only 20 feet away from me. Ignoring the occasional strange glances from the people around me, I felt oddly claustrophobic in a place so spacious. 

"Wow, you sure clean up nice," came the familiar silvery voice. "So Charlotte, tell me more about yourself."

"Well, I was born in Oregon, but my family moved to Washington when I turned 13." 

Oh, don't tell him personal information about yourself, I tried to communicate telepathically to her. Miraculously, it seemed to work because Charlotte changed the subject.

"What about you? Mr. World Renowned Publisher, doesn't a title so prestigious carry a lot of pressure with it."

"Not at all," he replied. "I have my clients to keep me company."

"That's nice," Charlotte said hastily. Knowing her voice well enough by now, I could sense that she was trying to hide the disgust from her tone. "This is quite a luxurious place. My writing was this impressive?"

"Of course it was," he said, pausing for a moment. "Your face structure is particularly distinctive. Do you have a relative who is Native American?" 

"Actually, my great grandfather was," she answered in surprise. That was news to me.

"Intriguing," he stated. "I have an eye for this type of thing. What can I say? I'm a people person." I heard Charlotte choke on her water. "You alright?" he inquired. I detected a hint of suspicion in his tone.

"Yes, of course," she responded hurriedly. "I think I'm going to use the restroom really quick." I caught the sound of a chair pushing back, followed by faint footsteps.

I heard the sound of a door opening as someone entered the bathroom. I looked up quickly, to see Charlotte approaching me, her face flushed with anger.

"That revolting...pig! I don't think I can spend another second with him."

"Then don't," I pleaded. "Soon enough, others will come forward. I can guarantee it."

"Well, I can't wait that long," Charlotte stated resolutely.  "I just need him to slip up once, say something that he can't justify in court. I think I got this. I am a people person."

"Just don't give him any more information about you," I advised, finally giving in. "He already knows your name. I think that's quite enough."

"Okay," she said, smiling slightly.

"How are you smiling right now?"

"I missed you worrying about me all the time," she answered. 

"Be careful," I warned as she opened the door of the velvet-colored room.

"Will do," Charlotte stated, winking and walking away.

"I thought you were going to the bathroom, not Philadelphia,"  Archibald mocked after a moment.

Charlotte laughed uneasily. "Sorry about that."

"It's understandable," he remarked. "Besides, while you were gone I ordered drinks. I hope you enjoy the occasional Cosmopolitan"

"Sorry, I can't. I'm under-age," she responded quickly.

"Don't tell me you actually follow that," Archibald countered. "Don't college students party anymore?"

"I'm really trying to stay away from alcohol right now," Charlotte asserted.

"Come on, one drink never hurt anyone," he persuaded. 

An overwhelming sense of suspicion and apprehension filled me at once. Charlotte leaves to go to the bathroom, Archibald suddenly orders drinks, and now he's a little too aggressively urging her to try some? I knew men like Archibald Stevens. Conniving, manipulative men that would do anything in their power to get what they want, or who they want.  How could I be so stupid? 

I felt myself standing up and rushing out of the bathroom. I searched the dining area with panic, finally finding the two of them sitting at an almost concealed table at the far end. Archibald stared at Charlotte with a chilling expression as she held the glass in front of her with indecision.  

Before I realized what I was doing, I charged towards their table. Charlotte looked up at me with a startled expression as I knocked the drink out of her hand in one swift motion. It spilled onto the publisher's shirt, staining the white fabric scarlet. I could feel the bewildered gaze from the people around me, their perfect evening disrupted by my sudden outburst.

"Lemon?" she asked, astonished.

"You!" exclaimed Archibald, his voice laced with rage.

"The drink," I stated breathlessly. "It's drugged. He was going to drug you."

Charlotte's mouth was agape in a combination of shock and relief. "What?"

Archibald stood up quickly, a look of pure hatred in his eyes. "You set this up! You scheming bitch. You just couldn't let it go."

By the way he stumbled when he got up, I realized he was intoxicated, immediately becoming aware that we were in grave danger. The publisher's hands scoured the table, finally coming across a jagged steak knife. Before I could react, he was charging towards me, knife in hand. I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting helplessly for what was about to happen.

BAM! I opened my eyes to see Archibald staggering backwards and clutching his right eye in pain. 

"Shit, that hurt," Charlotte muttered in front of me, cradling her hand with the other.

The people around us had all turned in shock to see the cause of the commotion. A few stood up, deciding whether it was worth it to intervene or not. Rapid movement caught my eye as I turned in horror to see Archibald regaining his bearings.

"Stop! You're under arrest!" a women called out from behind me. A police officer pushed past me, cuffing Archibald's hands behind his back in seconds. "You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law."

"The hell is this?" he exclaimed in disbelief. "These idiots attacked me."

"We have a warrant for your arrest," she pronounced. "For corporate fraud."

"Says who?" he demanded.

"Kara Stevens," the officer replied.

"My daughter?" Archibald questioned incredulously.

"My therapist?" Charlotte asked in amazement.

"Records reveal that you allegedly bribed prestigious awards and associations in favor of your clients," the officer continued. "Please come with me, sir."

Charlotte and I watched, stupefied, as Archibald was dragged out of the restaurant. His face contorted in a combination of fury and fear. The entire restaurant turned back towards us in complete shock.

"Well that happened," Charlotte said from beside me, her eyes not leaving Archibald's retreating form.

"Yep," I answered. "Thanks for saving my life by the way."

"No problem, you too," she replied, still staring in front of her.

"Can I kiss you now?" I asked.

"Please," she said.

A/N  Wow, that was intense to write. This week I'm going to the East Coast to visit possible colleges. However, this means I won't be updating as often for a while. I will try my best though!

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