{20} 7 Years Ago, Today

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Charlotte's POV

"I think it's getting better," I stated genuinely. "I don't have nightmares anymore. I just really miss her, that's all."

My therapist gazed at me behind her horn-rimmed glasses. "I can tell," she replied. 

After my temporary probation from softball, my teammate Sammy referred me to her therapist in an attempt to help me deal with the grief of my mother's death. Surprisingly, it appeared to work. This was my third appointment with her, and I was pleased to disclose that alcohol no longer consumed my nights, and I was finally getting sleep for the first time. Although something else was tugging at my thoughts.

"Is there anything else you want to tell me before you go?" the therapist inquired.

"Actually, yes there is," I said hesitatingly. "I have a uh, friend who lost someone extremely close to them 7 years ago today. I was just worried about them."

"I see," she replied. "Anniversaries of tragic events are often very difficult on the people affected. Does this friend of yours live close?"

"Yes, but she doesn't want to see or talk to me anymore."

"Why is that?" she asked politely.

"I think she's trying to protect someone she loves," I answered thoughtfully. "But she can't do that if I'm there."

The therapist nodded. "I understand."

"So what do I do?" I asked.

"I think you should take a step back for now, Charlotte. If it's true she has other close people in her life, then trust she will be able to get through this with their help."

I nodded. "Thank you Ms. Stevens."

"Just Kara" she corrected.

"See you later Kara," I said, smiling as I got up from my chair and departed the cozy office.


I glanced up from my pages and pages of psychology homework to check the time. It was 9:00 already? Time really does fly when you have a test the next day. I could feel my eyes beginning to drift closed. Tonight was going to be a real struggle. Suddenly, my phone rang beside me. As I glanced at the screen, my heart stopped for a second. It was Lemon.

I picked it up immediately. "Lemon, isn't this against your oath or something?" I joked. The sound of people shouting and loud music blasted from her line. "Lemon?"

"Guess where I am?" she shouted, nearly giving me a heart attack. Something was clearly wrong. Lemon sounded drunk, which was strange because Lemon never drank. Like never.

"By the sound of it, you're at a party," I said slowly. "It's kind of late don't you think?"

"Not at all, the party's just started. Besides, tonight's a special occasion," Lemon continued loudly. "7 years ago, I officially became an only child!"

"Lemon stop," I said with concern. "Where's Skylar?"

"We don't mention her," Lemon spat at the phone.

"Partying is not a sensible way of coping, Lemon."

"Says you, stop being a hypocrite Charlotte. Don't pretend I didn't see your apartment," Lemon said, her voice angry.

I took a deep breath, trying to take Lemon's words lightly. Should I make sure she was okay? She did just kick me out of her life a few days ago. "Hey you, want to go somewhere private?" I heard a man's voice ask her through the phone. That's it, I couldn't leave her there.

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