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A/N: Wow, two chapters in two days, it's a miracle!

Two years ago: Metropolis City

The circus was crawling with people. Rory held onto Jake's arm firmly as she saw the bright lights of the circus wash past her. She had never seen anything so beautiful. The sun had just set and the sky was still bright as they walked past stalls of cotton candy, popcorn and other sweet treats. It was Rory's first night back in the States and she had forgotten how busy Metropolis was. 

She had spent the last two years in a small french town with her mother, who had been working as a researcher for an archaeological dig that was happening in the area. Rory had met Jake a couple of months before they left for France, both of them sixteen at the time. They had been long-distance throughout her entire stay in France, every summer holiday she would visit him for a couple of weeks in Metropolis. It was always a shock when she stayed with him, the noise and bustle of the city was always an adjustment compared to the sleepy streets of the french hamlet she was used to.

Rory had become increasingly nervous as she and Jake strolled towards the main circus tent. So many people, so many things to see and smell. Jake pulled his arm away from her clutch and put it around her shoulders.

"I promise when we get inside, things will be a lot calmer," he said with a kind smile.

Rory smiled back and wrapped her arm around his waist.

"It's fine, as long as I'm with you I'll be okay," she said as she hugged him closer to her.

It was a late July night and as they approached the main tent, a cool and forgiving breeze washed over the couple, instilling calm in Rory that subsided her overwhelming doubts about the date.

When they entered the circus tent, Rory lost her breath. It was beautifully lit, with rows of seats surrounding the centre circle of colourful wheels, boxes and other props. Fairylights hung down from the ceiling of the tent and two platforms that were surrounded by neon lights were glowing.

"Wow!" Rory exclaimed as Jake guided her to their seats.

"I know, it's amazing," he said as they sat and watched the circle with excitement.

"Have you seen this before?" Rory asked as she fiddled with her hands in anticipation.

"Have I been to a circus before? Yeah! My dad and I went to one just like this when I was younger, back when live animals like elephants were still allowed to perform," he explained.

Rory looked at him with wide eyes.

"Wow, that must have been amazing!" she exclaimed.

"I don't think I've ever been to anything like this before," she muttered as she looked around the tent.

Jake laughed at this and took her hand.

"Well I'm glad that I could be here for your first circus experience!" he smiled.

Almost immediately after he said this, an announcement rang out from around the tent.

"The performance will be starting in 5 minutes, please can everyone put your phones on silent."

Both of them followed the instruction. Rory decided to turn her phone off completely as she didn't want to be distracted at all during the performance.

"This is so exciting," she said after putting her phone back in her bag. Jake laughed in response and pulled his girlfriend closer to him.

"Do you think there will be any animals in this production?" Rory asked.

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