twenty three

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Lola was changing Rory's bandages when Jerome entered the room. He was in smart clothes, bright red suit trousers with a white shirt tucked in and an equally beautiful red waistcoat covering his torso. The two women froze when they saw him. Both of them holding their breath.

"Leave," Jerome said, this was directed at Lola.

Lola looked at Rory with wide eyes, finished what she was doing and quickly scurried out of the room.

Rory could hear her heart beating as she watched Jerome. She wished that Lola could have stayed with her.

Jerome stood in the middle of the room, he had watched Lola leave. When the nurse had closed the door behind her, his head stayed on the door. The silence between the two of them was painful. Rory was chocking on the anticipation of Jerome's actions.

Slowly, after a couple of seconds of tense quiet, Jerome turned to look at Rory. The 19 year old was sitting up in the hospital bed, with the hospital smock still tied over her body. The covers had been pulled down to her hips, and her belly was exposed. Even though Lola had covered Rory's wound with the hospital gown, Rory still felt that Jerome could see every inch of her. Her skin crawled at the thought.

"I've been thinking a lot about the past, recently," Jerome said suddenly, causing Rory to jump.

Rory didn't respond, only watched the psychopath intensely.

"You and I were quite the dream team, dont you think," he smiled. He stepped closer to Rory's bedside.

"All those nights we spent together, plotting our future, our escape... who would of thought that we would actually manage to do it?" Jerome said slyly. He got closer to Rory.

"Not me, I didn't think i would be able to, not after you left me."

Jerome was now right next to her. He loomed over her as he spoke.

"You left me with that bitch, you of all people, over some stupid, brain dead boy who you weren't even-" he stopped himself, and looked at Rory's stomach.

"And every time I get hold of you again, you wriggle away from me," he commented. He slowly crouched down to Rory's eye level and put his hand gently over her stomach.

Rory flinched at his touch, even through the thin fabric of the hospital gown, she could feel the shockwaves of his touch, that exciting nervousness quickly rushing through her veins. It made her feel nauseous.

Jerome smiled at her reaction, almost as if he knew that he had this effect on her. As it was the same feeling that he was experiencing, that rush of excitement, adrenaline, of power.

"So i've come up with a plan so that even if you do get away from me again, even after the wedding, even in death, Rory... that i will always be a part of you." He kept his hand on her, and with his other hand he slowly pulled out a knife.

Rory's eyes widened at this and the adrenaline immediately kicked in. She started to struggle, tried to get out of the bed. But Jerome quickly grabbed her waist and pulled her into him, stopping her struggles.

He laughed at this. Rory could feel his laughter in his chest, he was warm, static shocks from him holding her were causing her to feel sick.

"I'm not going to kill ya, sweetie, you've got to know this by now," Jerome said through a laugh.

"Then why do you have a knife?" Rory stuttered as she watched the blade cautiously.

Jerome giggles at this.

"I told you, I'm going to give you something you can't escape."

As he said this, Jerome quickly pushed Rory onto the hospital bed and pulled up the sleeve of her hospital gown. Rory struggles against him but she was stopped by pain in her stomach.

"Now hold still, baby."

Rory screamed as Jerome cut into her, her arm was burning from the blade.

Lola came in when she heard this, causing the door to slam.

"Stay out of this, nursie!" Jerome yelled.

Rory turned to Lola, tears streaming down her face as Jerome carved her arm. Lola too was crying as she watched her friend suffer.

"Please, Jerome," Rory started to beg.

"I'm almost done, don't rush me!" he yelled back.

Rory screamed again as Jerome started cutting again. It seemed to last forever, the blade burning against her skin. Then Jerome pulled away, let go of Rory completely and marvelled at what he had done to her.

He started to laugh. He then leaned over Rory, his face getting closer to hers.

"Even in death, Rory, you will have me with you forever," he whispered, before kissing her quickly.

Rory didn't have the strength to fight him on it, all she could focus on was her arm.

Jerome moves from her quickly and turned to Lola, clasping his bloody hands.

"Go on then, don't want it to get infected," Jerome sneered.

He looked back at Rory one last time, winked and then proudly walked out of the room.

Lola rushed to Rory's side, she grabbed some cotton pads and quickly started to disinfect the stave wounds.

"What has he done?" Rory spluttered through the pain.

Lola looked panicked as she wiped away the blood. Her face turned white when she saw what he had done to Rory.

Carved into Rory's arm was Jerome's initials: JV

A/N- This was written on my phone and hasn't been edited yet so sorry if there are mistakes!

Tell me what you think of the chapter in the comments below!

If you want to show support for the Black Lives Matter movement there is a link on my profile which will take you to a petition that is trying to bring Justice for Breonna Taylor's murder! All you need to do is put your name and email address and you're done! Please sign the petition!

I hope you all are staying healthy and safe during these times !

All the best,

- R x

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