twenty two

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BEFORE YOU READ THIS CHAPTER: I would like to talk about what is currently going on in the world. Specifically, the Black Lives Matter movement. As a white woman, I will never experience what black women and men go through in the US or even in the UK, but  I support and stand with the Black Lives Matter movement. What is happening, what has been happening in the US is disgusting. The complete lack of empathy that Trump and the police have for people of colour, their citizens, is appalling. Over the past month, I have been educating myself about black issues and seeing as this book has a lot of people reading I thought it would be appropriate to raise awareness.  If you would like to do something to show support for the BLM movement, there is a link on my profile which will take you to a petition for Justice for Brienna Taylor. It only takes about 30 seconds to sign the petition, you don't have to donate money, all you have to do is give your name and email address to sign. 

I wish you all well, I hope you are all healthy during this pandemic. I'm sorry I took so long to update I've been unmotivated to write but I'm getting my mojo back. 

Please sign the petition, Brienna Taylor's murderer's still haven't been arrested and your involvement can help shine a spotlight onto the issue and bring justice for her family. 

- R x

Time didn't seem to touch Rory.  Days melted into weeks, weeks melted into months. Before she knew it, she was sitting up and starting to get back to normal. She knew that the healthier she got the closer she was to losing Lola and marrying Jerome. 

Ever since he had visited her, her memories of their relationship had come flooding back. It was small things like waking up in his arms in the circus motor home or talking away the nights. It had worried Rory. Her recollections of Jerome before he went completely mental was reminding her of the boy he had been. It reminded her that he was capable of kindness, of love. 

These thoughts scared her, she was slowly convincing herself that, that boy was still in there - buried deep under all of his insanity. Part of her wanted to find that boy she had loved, but she knew that there was no way she could ever get the old Jerome back. When she looked into his eyes, when she saw his mangled face, she knew that boy was lost, dead. 

"You awake?" Lola asked as she sat up from her bed. 

Rory hummed in response. 

Lola got up from her bed and slowly plodded over to Rory. She gave her a weak smile and tucked her brown hair behind her ears. 

"You ready to move?" She asked. 

She looked tired. They both were. The stressful presence of Jerome and his unannounced visit had made the two girls paranoid.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Rory signed, before slowly sitting up. 

Lola put an arm around Rory's waist and helped her to her feet. 

"You think you're up for a shower?" Lola inquired as the two slowly moved towards the bathroom

"Are you saying that I smell?" Rory replied sarcastically. 

"No... I'm just saying that you're a little ripe that's all," Lola responded with a smile. They got to the bathroom and Rory sat on the edge of the bathtub. 

Lola started to run the taps, then went over to the sink and washed her face. 

"How long do you think we've been here?" Rory asked as she watched the bath slowly fill up. 

"I don't know for sure, but judging on your wound I'd say about six weeks." 

"Six weeks," Rory echoed. 

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