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"I'd like to officially welcome you all to our first ever mandatory brunch meeting. Now, I know what you're all thinking. Why have I gathered this legion of Horribles? That has a nice ring to it. Write that down, will ya? Hmm. Well, back when I was in Arkham, I came up with a plan to turn this city into a madhouse. And now I am on the cusp of making that happen. But I need help from all of..." 

Mr Freeze raised his hand, interrupting Jerome. 

"Why is Jim Gordon's daughter here?" he asked causing Jerome to give him a death glare. 

Everybody had their eyes on Rory, who was tied down to the chair next to Jerome. She had a silk bowtie tied around her face as a gag. She had been crying and was obviously distressed. All the people in this room were glowing vibrantly. She had mad sure to keep her eyes down and avoid looking at the criminals surrounding her. 

Jerome happily ignored all of their curiosity surrounding Rory. He knew that with Rory here, he had leverage, a way of getting all these unhinged criminals to give him complete devotion. 

"Put all questions on ice until the end, dankeschoen. Mr. Oswald, thank you for doing your part in hosting us today." Jerome nodded towards Cobblepot. 

Penguin, who looked nervous and sweaty, gave Jerome a weak smirk. His eyes quickly glancing from Jerome to Rory. 

"Anything for an old friend." He responded, his jaw tensing as he met Jerome's gaze. 

Jerome smiled and turned to Johnathan Crane. 

"Crane! Where are we with the- you know what?" he said cunningly as he leant towards his terrifying friend.

"It's coming along, dreadfully." Crane responded in a deep voice. 

"Oh, pun worthy! Excellent!  Freeze, Ice Man, you're a science guy. We're gonna need a lab. A big one. Now, all we need is Mr. Tetch to return with some very important information and... Use the tongs, Carl!" Jerome snapped at one of the servers, who jumped back at his outburst. 

"You still haven't told us how you're going to take over the underworld," Firefly said with annoyance. 

"Who says I want to do that? I'm an artist. I just want to paint the town crazy; create chaos, baby. Once that happens, I could care less how you Horribles rip the city apart." Jerome responded with a sly grin. When he said this he looked at Rory and winked. This made her flinch. 

"I'm in. Let's do it," Firefly said happily, looking away from Jerome and running her eyes over Rory. She seemed pretty content with watching the island of Gotham burn. 

"Not yet." continued Jerome, who's expression had shifted to a more sinister tone. 

The sound of the doors opening caused everyone at the table to turn. Tetch slowly walked in, with a devious smile on his face. As he approached Jerome, his eyes locked onto Rory, who had looked up at the sound of someone entering. The two of them locked eyes. This seemed to stun Tetch. 

Rory gazed at the Mad Hatter. He had a light pink aura floating around him, like cotton candy. As she met his gaze, she could feel her skin crawl with discomfort. She knew that out of all of the criminals sitting at the table (aside from Jerome), Tetch was the most dangerous. 

 "Nothing can happen until we have our one last essential ingredient." Jerome's voice caused Tetch's gaze to snap away from Rory. He took his seat at the table. Smiling evilly at Jerome

"The one thing that'll tie it all together." 



I know its been ages since i've posted a chapter, I've just been swamped with school work so I haven't been able to make time for this book. But I'm getting back on the horse, hopefully the next few chapters will come more frequently and you guys wont have to wait several months for an update. But no promises. This chapter was painful to write, it's my attempt to break my writers block so sorry if its a bit simple.... and short. 

I hope you enjoyed it even if it is pretty basic! promise better scenes will be coming!! What colour aura do you think the rest of them have? Firefly is definitely orange. I also don't know if I should bring Jeremiah into this, so let me know if you'd want him to play a part in all of this or not!

If you want to show support for the Black Lives Matter movement, there is a link to a petition for Breonna Taylor, who still hasn't received justice, on my profile! It'll only take 5 seconds, all you need is a name and an email address! 

I hope you are all staying safe, wearing a mask, and are healthy! 

See you in the next chapter!

All the best, 

- R. x

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