Chapter 3:

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I woke up to feel his arm wrapped around my waist. I had nothing on but the thin sheet of his bedding. My mind kept playing the events of the night on loop. All I could think was how I shouldn't have done this. I wanted to be over Beast. Now....well now all I wanted was him. Everything about him was intoxicating. He was my drug, and I was once again hooked. 

Beast was still fast asleep. Even in his sleep he had a possessive tendency. Every slight move I made only made him tighten his grip. I was exhausted, mentally and physically. No matter how tired I was, I couldn't sleep. I wanted nothing more than to curl into him and sleep. My mind wouldn't let me. Instead I was questioning everything. 

I stared at his face, taking in the changes that happened over the years. There was a scar in his right eyebrow. His beard wasn't as course as it looked. I'd learned first hand last night just how soft it was. Scars covered his body. Most had been covered over with tattoos. At the moment I only had view of the ones on his back. A large tattoo of his patches covered his back, an exact match to the ones on his cut. 

"You don't have to just look." Came his gravely voice, even deeper with sleep. "Touch all you want." 

"Maybe I got enough last night." I said, biting my lip. 

Beast turns to face me, hand caressing my side. "I didn't." 

He didn't give me a chance to respond. Morning breath be damned as he pulled me in for a kiss. I relaxed into his embrace, moving closer to him. His hand on my waist gripped my thigh, pulling it over his hips. Moving my hips against him, he groaned as he felt my wetness drip onto him. With a quick flip, I was underneath him. His large throbbing member teasing my entrance. 

"For someone who had enough you seem to be thirsty." Beast chuckles darkly. His eyes roamed over my body as if I was his prey. 

"Shut up." I command, pulling him back down to me. 

As soon as our lips connected, he slammed into me. I moaned as he stretched me. It was slightly painful every time he entered me, his member too large. Every time he moved and hit that spot I knew it was completely worth the initial pain. Each stroke was relentless. His powerful thrusts made me moan out his name. Every grunt that he made almost seemed as if he was trying to fuck dark thoughts out of his head. 

My hand went up to cup his cheek. His eyes slightly softened as he looked down at me. The pace slowed, aiming to go deeper rather than harder. It all seemed very intimate. As his lips moved down my neck gently nipping at the skin, I came hard. With a few more rough thrusts, he spills into me. We now had a thin sheet of sweat covering us, both out of breath. 

"You're beautiful. Like some sort of angel." He mutters as he moves a hair out of my face. 

I sighed. "Callum." 

Suddenly he freezes. "It's Beast." 

"Beast." I repeat, my thoughts sobering up. 

I didn't know him anymore. He wasn't the Callum I had once known and loved. The man beside me was a stranger. Sure last night I had a glimpse into his world, but that didn't even scratch the surface. The man I had once known is gone. In his place is a man that only goes by Beast. 

"I think it's time I go home." I say, cursing how small my voice sounded.  

"Belle," he said, reaching for me. 

I pulled away from his grasp, searching the room for my clothes. I avoided eye contact with him as I went about the room collecting my clothes. Quickly I got dressed, wanting to get out of here as soon as possible. He didn't try to stop me. Instead he just sat there on the bed, lighting up a cigarette as he stared out the window.   

Beast didn't stop me as I left the room without another word. I knew I had to look like a mess. I smelled of sex and booze. My hair and makeup was probably a mess. That compared nothing to the whirl wind of emotions I was feeling. It didn't even care that one of my heels was loose as I tried to get out of there as quickly as I could. 

"Belle, let me take you home." Beast said, easily catching up with me 'cause of his long strides. 

"I'd rather walk." I tell him. 

"To the other side of town?" He questions with a chuckle. 

"Yes. I don't need anything from a complete stranger." I said stubbornly. 

"Fine." He turns on his heels and heads back to his room. The door slamming echoed down the hallway. 

"Let me take you home." Linda appears, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. 

I nod, not able to speak to her anymore. In fact, I didn't say anything all the way back to my parents house. I couldn't even bring myself to thank her as I got out of the car, rushing to the side entrance into the basement to avoid my parents. 

Once I was in the safety of my "room" I allowed the tears to flow. I don't know why I was crying. Perhaps I was morning Callum. I should have expected this to happen. Everyone else could have seen it ending up like this. Apparently I'm just stupid. 

The end table next to the couch held a photo of Callum and I back when we were younger. We looked so young and happy. His face was clean shaven and a bright pearly smile covered his face. A look I couldn't imagine Beast having. Grabbing the photo I threw it across the room. Watching as the glass of the frame shattered all over the floor. 

"Oh honey," Leanne said as she entered through the door I had come through minutes ago. "Linda called. I'm guessing last night didn't go so well." 

"How could I have been so stupid?" I ask her, feeling nothing but used. 

She pulled me into her arms, stroking my hair as I cried into her shoulder. "Forget about him, honey. He's not worth the tears." 

Easier said than done. I had tried for years to forget him. All I had wanted was him. Last night proved that I had to move on, force myself to get out there. I'd wanted one more night, I just hadn't realized how much it would affect me. It just made it more obvious that I have to move on, for my own sake. Dwelling on the past wasn't healthy. Especially when nothing good could come from that. 

Beast (Grimm MC)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat