Chapter Five: Saving a Life

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Jenna sipped silently on her hot chocolate, she had spent all day walking around the cold capital city; she had stepped into a small café to get warm before she headed back toward the hotel.

Jenna was sure that Tiffany’s little meet and greet would be over by now, she didn’t think that the footballers would spend more than an hour or two with someone when they had families at home waiting for them.

Brushing some hair from her face, Jenna watched it rain a little outside and smiled a little; she loved just sitting around and watching the world pass her by.

Jenna took a deep breath, she had no idea what was happening back at the hotel but she was sure that Tiffany was loving it; she had always loved being the centre of attention even in high school.

Finishing off the last of her hot chocolate, Jenna sighed knowing that she had to get back to the hotel; she was sure that Tiffany was dying to tell her all about her day.

Jenna got to her feet and smiled watching a woman leave with her two young children; she hoped to have that one day and it made her excited about getting married and starting a family.

Shaking her head, Jenna pulled her black long quilted coat on over her striped jumper and straight leg dark rinse wash jeans that she had paired with double buckle quilted ankle boots so that she didn’t get sick.

Jenna slowly made her way out of the café and into the cold damp street so that she could head back, she slowly started to walk away from the café and back towards the hotel.

“Vitória,” Jenna heard a woman shout, she peeked back to see it was the blonde woman calling to her eldest child while she tried to put her baby into the car; she shook her head turning to focus on her own problems.

“Vitória,” the woman cried out in sudden terror, her brown eyes stared in terror watching a car speed towards her daughter; she froze in her place knowing that she had told her daughter time and time again to stay by her side.

Jenna whipped around in time to see the car coming towards the little girl, the driver wasn’t showing down and the little girl was frozen in the way.

Without thinking Jenna dashed off the sidewalk and ran towards the little girl, who started crying in terror; her mother stood just feet away from the watching in horror.

Jenna grabbed a hold of the little girl and at the last moment pulled her out of the way, she fell to the floor as the car sped past without even stopping to see if the two of them were okay.

Jenna hissed in pain, her head had hit the floor when they had fallen to the floor but she was just glad that the little girl was okay; she slowly sat up pulling the child with her.

The world seemed so still for a moment as Jenna blinked away the dizziness, her ears were ringing but she was glad that she had done what she had; she couldn’t have just stood there while a little girl was in danger.

It was then that the little girl’s mother rushed over to them, her eyes fixed on the woman that had just saved her little girl.

“Vitória,” the woman cried tears trailing down her face, she couldn’t believe what had just happened and already people were calling for ambulance and police after what had happened shocked at how close it had come to ending in tragedy.

Jenna released Vitória allowing her mother to pull her into her arms, she looked okay and she was sure that the little girl was fine and was just a little frightened about what had happened.

“You saved my daughter,” the woman said staring at Jenna shocked, she watched as the brunette slowly got to her feet knowing that she had to find a way to thank her.

Jenna nodded her head, she had done what anyone else would have done and she was just glad that it hadn’t ended in tears; she was sure that the driver wouldn’t get away with what he had nearly done.

“It was nothing,” Jenna replied smiling a little, she still felt a little dizzy and she wished that it would stop; the last thing she wanted was for something to ruin her holiday even more.

The woman pressed a kiss to the top of her daughter’s head and slowly got to her feet, she had never thought anyone would do that for them especially considering who her husband and her children’s father was.

“There has to be some way that I can repay you,” the woman pleaded wanting to thank the stranger who had risked her own life to save her little girl; Fábio would be shocked when he had heard what had happened.

Jenna swallowed thickly, her head was now killing her and she had a feeling that she might want to sit down and get checked over by a paramedic.

“I don’t want anything…” Jenna dismissed moving to feel the back of her head, she stopped talking when she felt something wet and quickly pull her hand back to see it covered in blood.

Jenna swallowed shocked knowing that this couldn’t be good, her vision suddenly swam and the last thing she remembered was a scream of shock before her entire world went dark.


Fábio Coentrão pulled the phone from his ear shocked after his wife had told him what had happened; he had felt her terror through their bond but hadn’t been able to get a hold of her until now.

“I have to go… there’s been an accident,” Fábio said turning to look at his pack-mates, he couldn’t believe that this was happening and he wanted to get to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Cristiano looked up from what he was doing, he had been feeling off for the past hour and it didn’t help that Fábio had been tense; he was sure that it would all be okay.

“What happened?” Pepe asked concerned, he knew that it had to be something to do with Andreia and the children; he hated to think that something had happened to them.

Fábio shook his head moving around trying to find his car keys, he needed to get to the hospital and he needed to make sure that his daughter was okay.

“Some idiot nearly ran Vitória over… the woman who saved her collapsed,” Fábio explained, he ran his hand through his hair wondering how someone could do that and keep driving.

Cristiano stared at his friend concerned, he adored his team-mates children and he couldn’t wait to have some of his own; he had a feeling that it wouldn’t be long but he wasn’t going to rush Jenna.

“Is Vitória okay?” Cristiano asked worried for the little girl, he hoped that there was something that could be done to track down the person that had nearly killed Vitória.

Fábio nodded his head, the doctors had only been checking his daughter over when he had spoken to his wife; he wanted to thank the woman that had risked her life to save Vitória.

“We’ll come with you,” Pepe said knowing that Fábio was in no state to drive right now, he would only end up putting himself in hospital if he tried.

Cristiano nodded his head, he was sure that it would keep him distracted from his mate for a few hours; he was curious about when he would actually get to meet her.

“Obrigado,” Fábio replied grateful that he had been with his two best friends, he didn’t know what he would have done if something worse had happened.

Collecting the car keys, the three men started to leave Cristiano’s house so that they could head to the hospital; they had no idea what was waiting for them when they arrived.

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