Chapter Thirty: 2014 FIFA Ballon d'Or

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Cristiano laced his fingers with Jenna's as he helped her from the car, he grinned looking at her knowing that she was the most beautiful creature that he had ever laid eyes on and she was all his.

Jenna drew herself close to her boyfriend, it felt odd knowing that all eyes were on her right now; she had never been to anything like this before but she knew that it was an important night for Cristiano.

It had taken Jenna ages to pick out the royal blue high neck halter A-line sequins backless long evening dress paired with black strappy heeled sandals that she had chosen for the ceremony; she refused to let Cristiano pay for it and she was happy that he had agreed after some persuasion.

"You looked beautiful," Cristiano reassured softly, he didn't want this to freak Jenna out and he was sure that this was small compared to other things that might come up in the future.

Jenna smiled nervously, she was going to be sticking close to him or his brother since she was a little unsure of how to react to all of this; Cristiano squeezed Jenna's hand lightly before they started to head towards the entrance of the Zürich Kongresshaus.

Cristiano ignored the calls of the press, he had no interest in stopping for them while he was with Jenna, he didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable and he was here to enjoy the evening with her.

Jenna kept up with Cristiano, she wasn't about to fall behind and be left to the wolves; she grinned at that thought knowing that she already had a wolf in her life, her soul-mate.

"What are you smiling about?" Cristiano asked when they finally stepped inside, he raised an eyebrow at his girlfriend leading her away from the large crowd that had gathered in the lobby; it would be a while before the ceremony began.


"And the winner of the FIFA Ballon d'Or 2014 is..." Thierry Henry said looking out over the crowd, everyone had come together for this evening and it had been a wonderful night so far.

It had been a surprise for most people when Cristiano had shown up with his new girlfriend, it had been the talk of the night since no one had thought Cristiano would bring her.

Cristiano laced his fingers with Jenna's, he knew that he would have to leave her side for a moment and his brother would be keeping an eye on her; he wasn't overly fond with leaving her anywhere near Lionel Messi.

"Cristiano Ronaldo," Thierry announced making the entire room clap and turn to look at the footballer who had won; it had been a long year in football especially with the world cup.

Cristiano grinned leaning forward and giving Jenna a kiss, he couldn't believe that he had won and he knew how proud his family would be of him; he knew that he wouldn't have been able to do it without any of them.

Jenna smiled as Cristiano got to his feet and walked towards the stage, she knew how much the award meant to him; it was the reason that she had agreed to come with him tonight even if Cristiano would have preferred that she stay home.

Cristiano took the trophy from Thierry before he turned to look out over the crowd, he had no idea how he had gotten so lucky especially in the last year; he doubted he could have asked for anything better.

"I would like to thank all those that voted for me, my coach, my fellow players and the president of Real Madrid. It's been an unforgettable year," Cristiano began looking around the room, he wanted to keep this as short as possible since it had been a long night and everyone still had to fly back to their countries for matches in the coming days.

"To win this trophy is something unique. All I can say is that I want to continue working as I have so far and try to go on to more titles, individually and a team, for my mãe, for my pai and for my girlfriend," Cristiano continued with a smile. Cristiano wanted to leave no doubt in anyone's mind that he was talking about Jenna; she wasn't going anywhere and was here to stay in his life.

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