Chapter Sixteen: Friendship Ending

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"What the hell are you doing here?" Tiffany snapped shocked to see Jenna sitting on one of the benches while a training session was happening; she had been sure that her best friend had gone home.

Jenna blinked surprised at the tone that Tiffany had used to speak to her, she hadn't been expecting her friend to sound so upset seeing her; she had noticed that Tiffany seemed a little put off.

"I decided to extend my stay," Jenna explained softly, she peeked over at the team who were just starting their session and she hoped that Tiffany's arrival wasn't going to cause any problems for them.

Jenna turned her full attention back to Tiffany, she had no idea what to expect from her friend who looked like she wanted to strangle her; she doubted that Tiffany was going to actually hurt her.

"What about your job?" Tiffany asked through gritted teeth, she couldn't believe that Jenna was here and she had hoped to have gotten rid of her friend so that she could have more time to flirt with Cristiano without interference.

Jenna chewed on her lip, she was already here and she knew that whatever happened back in Valencia that she had made the right decision to extend her stay; she wanted to leave when she was sure where she actually stood with Cristiano.

It had dawned on her the night before when she was lying next to the footballer, Jenna felt drawn to Cristiano and she wanted to know why.

"I spoke with David and I have one more week," Jenna replied not wanting to voice her thoughts, she doubted that Tiffany would be pleased that she had grown feelings for Cristiano and that saddened her.

Tiffany just nodded her head, she had no idea why Jenna was sticking around; she had seen how Cristiano was with her best friend and she didn't like it.

Tiffany sat down a little away from Jenna, she wasn't interested in speaking with her bumbling friend who was getting in her way; she had hoped that Jenna had left so she could finally have what she wanted.


Cristiano grinned wrapping his arms around Jenna, he held her close glad that she had stuck around and he hoped that she was hungry since he wanted to take her to lunch; it was just more time that he got to spend with her now.

"Cristiano," Tiffany called forcing a smile to his face when she saw her best friend wrapped up in the footballer's embrace; she couldn't believe that Jenna had betrayed her like this.

Tiffany had been talking about being Cristiano's girlfriend for years and Jenna knew how much the footballer meant to her; she just couldn't believe that her friend had stolen her chance.

Jenna peeked at Tiffany, she hadn't expected Cristiano to wrap his arms around her and she hadn't told her friend anything about what had been happening lately.

"I haven't seen you lately," Tiffany said with accusation colouring her tone, she knew now where the footballer had been while she had been with his team-mates; he was wasting his time on Jenna and she didn't like it.

Jenna swallowed nervously knowing that Tiffany wasn't happy, she didn't know what her friend wanted her to do and she doubted that Tiffany would ever accept that she was with Cristiano.

"I've been busy with Jenna," Cristiano replied simply, he didn't care that he would hurt the blonde's feelings when she didn't seem to care about Jenna's; she wanted everything for herself and it wasn't fair.

Jenna looked at Cristiano panicked, she knew that Tiffany wasn't going to like this and she didn't want to hurt her; she didn't want to lose the only friend that she had.

"Why she's boring? You'd be better watching paint dry," Tiffany asked staring at Cristiano as if he had lost his mind for wanting to spend time with Jenna; she was much better for him and she would have looked perfect at his side.

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