Chapter Twenty: Alpha's Order

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“I’m fine,” Jenna insisted for what felt like the ninetieth time that day, she glared at Sara who had been left in charge of watching her; Cristiano was worried about her and he didn’t want her home alone.

Sara just smiled, she knew that the last couple of days had been hard on Jenna and it was going to take some time for Cristiano to relax when it came to his mate.

“We know that Cristiano is just worried about you,” Andreia said smiling, she was one of the few women that had come to Sara’s house to get to know the newest member of the pack.

In the days since Jenna had learnt about being Cristiano’s mate, she had been surprised how nice all of the women were to her; she didn’t feel like they wanted to know her out of pity or to become friends with someone else.

Jenna was a little nervous when it came to big meetings, she had never liked to be the centre of attention and Cristiano had warned the other women to be careful around her.

The last thing that Cristiano wanted was her getting freaked out and doing a runner; he wanted to keep his mate this time.

“So when are you heading back to Valencia?” Sara asked knowing that Jenna had been meant to fly back yesterday, however she was still in Madrid working on things with Cristiano.

Sara knew that it was only a matter of time before Jenna returned to her home to pack up her things to move to Madrid; she was sure that the brunette wouldn’t be able to be parted from Cristiano.

Andreia looked up from where she was feeding her son, she was sure Cristiano would want to go with his mate when it came to her flying across Spain.

“After the match against UE Cornellà, Cristiano wants to come with me and we have two days before his next match,” Jenna replied softly, she had accepted the fact that she couldn’t remain in Valencia since she was Cristiano’s mate.

It had been an easy decision to make considering Cristiano was her soul-mate and Jenna didn’t know anyone that would turn down what she had with Cristiano; she didn’t even feel bad anymore now that she wasn’t hanging around with obsessed Tiffany anymore.

“Mierda, where’s your phone?” Jenna startled realising that she hadn’t called her boss to tell him that she hadn’t been well enough to travel; she was going to have to quit her job anyway but she needed a good reference if she wanted a new job in Madrid that paid her well.

Sara pointed towards her phone looking at Jenna worried, she watched the brunette as she hurried over to her before looking at Andreia who shrugged not knowing what was going on.

“David I am so sorry,” Jenna spluttered into the phone when her boss answered, she winced when he swore at her for being late; she doubted she’d be getting anything good from him.

Jenna opened her mouth to explain when her boss continued to yell at her over the phone, she closed her eyes knowing that she should have expected this; she had completely forgotten about him.

Sara and Andreia watched, they could hear what was being said and they felt bad for Jenna; she hadn’t been well the past couple of days and she hadn’t been able to fly back because of that and her bonding to Cristiano.

Jenna sighed when her boss hung up on her, she didn’t know why she felt surprised that he had done that; she wasn’t anything important at the firm and she never had been.

“I’ve just been fired,” Jenna said hanging up the phone, she frowned wondering what she would do now and she didn’t want to live off Cristiano’s money.

“At least you’ll get a severance package,” Andreia replied knowing that there was a plus side, the company had to give Jenna something for firing her; she was sure that Cristiano would help her find work when the time was right.

Sara nodded her head, it wasn’t as if Jenna would have been going back to work at the company anyway; she was moving to Madrid and being fired was a plus-side here.

“I know… I doubt it’ll help me find a good job though,” Jenna muttered annoyed with herself, her mind was all over the place right now and she knew that Cristiano wanted to support her; he was happy if she never had to work again in her life.

Andreia looked down at Henrique, it was different for every female mate of the pack and she was sure Jenna would find a balance when it was right; she still had a crazy vampire lingering around after her.

Cristiano was doing everything in his power to make sure his mate was safe and the pack were already placing bets on when the couple would have their first pup.

No one thought that Cristiano would want to wait long and Jenna was already wonderful with the other pack pups; it made them think that she would be pregnant by the end of 2014.

“Who is hungry?” Sara asked balancing Martin on her hip, she was sure that whatever happened next for Cristiano and Jenna it would be their decision and no one else’s.


“I order you to mark your mate in the next three days,” Iker barked tired of Cristiano’s refusal to do as he was told, he knew that his friend meant well but it had been three weeks now and Jenna was in danger because she wasn’t marked.

Cristiano stared at his alpha, he felt his hand shake in anger as he felt the order wash over him; he couldn’t believe Iker had done that to him.

Sergio watched the two from a safe distance, he knew why Iker had done it and he hoped that Cristiano wasn’t going to be stubborn; they were sure that this was for the best.

“I won’t force this on her Iker,” Cristiano hissed it had only been a number of days since Jenna had learnt the truth and he wasn’t going to rush her in anyway.

Cristiano wanted to wait until Jenna was ready to be marked, he wasn’t going to leave his mate alone nor was he going to force her to do anything that she didn’t want to do.

“We have a nomadic vampire on the loose… it needs to be done Cristiano,” Iker replied he wasn’t going to be swayed and he hoped that Cristiano wasn’t going to resist him, he needed to do this if they wanted Jenna to be safe.

Unmarked Jenna was in a lot of danger but Cristiano’s mark would be able to keep her safe and no vampire would want to risk angering a full mated werewolf.

Cristiano gritted his teeth, he knew that Iker was right but he had yet to explain this to Jenna and he didn’t want her to feel like she had to do this for him.

Iker watched as Cristiano stormed away from him, he sighed wishing he hadn’t done that but he didn’t want anything to happen to Jenna; she was part of his pack and he had to make sure all mates and pups were safe.

“It’ll be okay… he understands why you did that,” Sergio murmured moving to stand next to Iker, everyone marked their mate within the first couple of weeks; it stopped their bonding from draining their mates until it was too late.

No one left their mates unmarked for more than a month and Cristiano was cutting it close by leaving it for three weeks; Iker didn’t want his friend and pack-mate losing Jenna after all they had been through.

“I hope so,” Iker replied knowing that the vampire needed to be dealt with and soon, he had heard from Xavi in Barcelona that this one was a lot of trouble.


Author's Note:





Which one should be Cristiano and Jenna's official ship name?

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