Chapter Ten: Team Dinner

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"I can't believe that we have been invited to a team dinner," Tiffany whispered excitedly climbing out of the taxi, she stared up at the house that they had been invited to; she was so excited to see how footballers lives.

Jenna rolled her brown eyes as she paid the taxi driver before she climbed out of the car, she tugged down her blue printed tie dress that she had chosen for the dinner.

Tiffany seemed to forget that Jenna was the reason that they had been invited, Andreia and Fábio wanted to thank the brunette properly for saving their daughter's life.

Jenna took a deep breath, she had no idea what would happen while they were at this dinner but she was a little nervous; she hadn't wanted to come but once Tiffany had found out, she felt it rude to decline.

Jenna took a deep breath, she wished that there was something that she could do to make this easier; she didn't want to make a big deal and she felt nervous about being around so many people.

Tiffany skipped towards the front door and knocked, she was so excited and she couldn't help but wonder if Cristiano would like the dress that she had chosen; she was so sure that it wouldn't be long before he asked her out on a date.

Andreia opened the door and took a deep breath spotting Tiffany first, she was sure that the plan to keep the blonde away from Cristiano would work; they needed to focus on getting Jenna to expend her stay so the bond could form properly.

"I'm so glad that you could make it," Andreia said smiling, her attention shifting to Jenna knowing that she would make a wonderful addition to the pack; they just had to find a way for her to stay.

Jenna shouldered her grey snake flap satchel, she had no idea what the evening would hold but her time in Madrid was slowly coming to an end.


"We can never thank you enough for what you did," Andreia gushed smiling at Jenna, she was sure that the brunette would stay and it wouldn't take much convincing to get her to stay with Cristiano.

Jenna smiled politely, she had noticed that most of the people at the dinner were watching her and she didn't like it; she wasn't used to being the centre of attention when everyone was usually interested in Tiffany.

"It's not a problem at all," Jenna whispered, she wanted nothing more than to leave since she didn't like how everyone was looking at her.

Cristiano walked over to her side and protectively wrapped an arm around her only for Jenna to shrug him off; she shot him a warning look before she peeked over at Tiffany worried that her friend had seen.

Andreia frowned knowing that Tiffany was a problem, the blonde had made it pretty clear that she was interested in Cristiano.

"I think dinner is nearly ready," Sara announced appearing, she looked at Jenna knowing that this wasn't over yet and she hoped that the brunette would relax soon.

Andreia nodded her head and moved towards the kitchen, she didn't like the fact that Jenna was putting aside her own feelings so that her best friend could be happy.

All the female mates knew how Jenna would be feeling about Cristiano, it was hard to ignore the bond and Andreia was sure that Jenna was struggling right now.

"I hope you like paella," Sara mused with a smile, there was enough to feed everyone and she was sure that Jenna would enjoy it; she loved cooking for the pack as long as people helped her since there was so many of them.


Jenna messed with her paella and tried to restrain herself from staring at the man that seemed to haunt her every thought; she was sat across the table from Cristiano, who was sat next to Tiffany.

Jenna tried to keep herself from staring at Cristiano, she would find herself at odd moments just staring at him and only realising when he was staring right back at her.

Tiffany filled the meal with useless talk about herself and hadn't stopped once to speak with anyone; Jenna wondered if her friend realised that no one was really listening to her.

"You've been quiet," Cristiano murmured staring across the table at Jenna, he loved his seat and he was glad that he had some sort of effect on her; he loved it when she blushed when he caught her staring.

Jenna's head snapped to look at Cristiano, she swallowed spotting the look on Tiffany's face; she doubted that her friend was going to be happy that Cristiano wasn't listening to her.

"I was just thinking," Jenna murmured softly, she blushed realising that everyone at the table had stopped what they were doing and were now staring at her.

Cristiano raised an eyebrow at Jenna as he rested his bare elbows on the table, he wanted to know more about his mate and he was sure that she had been quiet for a reason.

"About what?" Cristiano purred loving the sound of her voice, he wished that she would speak more and he was getting tired of listening to Tiffany talk about herself.

Jenna stared at him, she opened and closed her mouth trying to think of something, anything that she could say that wouldn't reveal that she was thinking about him.

"Restraining orders," Jenna blurted out making Cristiano choke, Tiffany stared at her best friend wondering why on earth she had said something like that.

Andreia looked at Sara worried that something might have led her to think that, they didn't want her pulling away from Cristiano now.

"I bet Jenna's curious about how many the team has," Ana Sofia Moreira said jumping in to save the brunette, she knew that this could all be so scary and she didn't blame Jenna for blurting out the first thing that came to mind.

Jenna sighed in relief as the conversation moved on, she smiled politely as Sergio informed her that the current team had around twenty-eight restraining orders.

"So Jenna tell us about yourself?" Sara quizzed ignoring the warning look that Cristiano sent her, she was curious about the new mate and as the alpha's mate it was her job to look after the newbies.

Tiffany frowned wondering why everyone seemed so interested in Jenna, her friend was nothing special and yet everyone seemed so attentive in what the brunette was doing or saying to them.

"There's not much to tell, I'm from Valencia, I work as a receptionist, I have two older brothers," Jenna replied simply, she didn't think that she was that interesting and it wouldn't matter soon anyway since she would be leaving in three days.

Cristiano smiled, he knew that Jenna would fit in perfectly with the other women of the pack and he couldn't wait to see how she would handle being a mother to his pups.

Tiffany frowned staring at Jenna, she didn't like any of this and she wanted everyone to stop paying attention to the brunette; she knew just what to do about this situation.

"Remember that time you almost killed yourself," Tiffany revealed with a sly smile, she stared across the table as everyone went quiet; none of them had expected anything like that and Jenna looked mortified at her friend's words.

Cristiano stared shocked at his mate, he didn't want to think what had made her try to take her own life but he didn't think that it was something that he could ever forget. 

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