Chapter Twenty-Two: Heading to Valencia

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Brushing her fingers through her hair, Jenna thought about having it cut and doing something different with it; she chewed on her lip leaning back in her seat and watched her boyfriend from a distance.

The couple were going to be flying to Valencia and Jenna was a little surprised that people had been quick to spot Cristiano; she was now watching him sign autographs a little away from her.

Jenna wasn’t sure that she would ever get used to being his girlfriend, she had completely forgotten the last couple of weeks that Cristiano was a footballer as well as a werewolf.

It seemed unreal that she was his soul-mate and yet Cristiano had a look on his face whenever he looked over on at her that told her that it was true; he looked at her like she was the beautiful thing in the world.

Jenna yawned softly, it was very early in the morning and she knew that this was the best time for them to fly; she looked at the clock on the wall knowing it wouldn’t be much longer until their flight.

Shaking her head, Jenna turned her attention back to Cristiano who was finishing up with the third lot of fans that had approached him since they had arrived at the airport in an hour.

Cristiano spoke softly with each of them, a smile on his lips knowing that Jenna was watching him; he was glad that she hadn’t wandered off since their connection was still settling and he didn’t like to be away from her.

With a couple more signatures, Cristiano was done and he sighed in relief as he left the fans behind and headed for Jenna; he doubted it would be long before more people found him and he wanted some time with her.


“Can I ask you something?” Cristiano asked looking at Jenna as he stored their bags in the overhead locker, he was glad that they were finally on their flight and away from prying eyes.

Cristiano had sprung for first class since he didn’t want anyone gawping at his girlfriend, he wanted Jenna to be comfortable and having fans around all the time was going to take some getting used to.

“Do the fans bother you?” Cristiano questioned moving to sit down next to Jenna, he wanted to protect her in any way possible and there would be no hiding her forever in his line of work.

Jenna stared at Cristiano, she had known he would ask her about this and she had done a lot of thinking about what dating a footballer meant; she had even spoken to a couple of the other women to find out what she was getting into.

“A little… but I know it’s all part of your job,” Jenna replied, she nibbled on her lip a little while she stared at her boyfriend; he leant back in his chair and took her hand.

Cristiano didn’t want Jenna to be uncomfortable, he would find a way to protect her from everything and he knew he would do anything to make her happy.

“I could never ask you to give up something that you love doing for me,” Jenna said shaking her head, she didn’t want him to give up his career for her; she would learn to deal and she was just glad she wasn’t a massive fan of social media.

It wouldn’t take long for people to find out about her and she knew what some fans could be like thanks to her talks with Sara, Pilar and the others; she wasn’t going to let fans that were like Tiffany bring her down.

“You don’t have to ask,” Cristiano murmured knowing he would give everything up in a heartbeat, he wanted nothing more than to have her and provide for her and their future children.

“I’d never want you too,” Jenna replied knowing just what her boyfriend would do if he had his way, she could never let him awake away for everything that he had worked so hard for.

Cristiano made a soft noise in his throat, he didn’t know how he had ever gotten so lucky to have a mate like her; he was happy and content for the first time in years and it was all down to her.

“My family wants to meet you,” Cristiano said watching his girlfriend, a small smile on his lips knowing that his mother was thrilled he was finally mated and was insisting that Cristiano bring Jenna home for Christmas so she could met her.

Jenna squeaked, she was a little nervous when it came to the idea of meeting his family; she wasn’t sure how Cristiano’s family would react to her and she was a little frightened that they wouldn’t like her.

Cristiano chuckled moving to kiss Jenna, he was sure his mother would love her and he doubted that Dolores Aveiro would be able to stop herself from asking when they were going to give her more grandchildren.

“It’ll be fine…” Cristiano murmured against Jenna’s lips, he loved the fact that she still got so nervous; he held her close for a moment before someone walked past them.

Jenna brushed some hair from her face, she looked around knowing that anyone could take a picture of them and sell it to the press; there was little that Cristiano could do to stop it.

“I’ll have to go and see my parents while we’re in Valencia,” Jenna said quietly, she doubted that they would be pleased with her plan to move to Madrid to be with Cristiano but she couldn’t leave Valencia without telling them.

Jenna was their only daughter and her older brothers would want to meet the footballer who she was now dating; she just hoped that it would all be okay.


Jenna slipped her key into the lock and chewed on her lip, she was a little worried what her boyfriend would think of her crappy little apartment; she doubted that he would be impressed with how she had lived before him.

It was the first time that Jenna had hoped that she had been robbed in the three weeks that she had been away, she was sure Cristiano wouldn’t hate her home if she had been robbed.

“Jenna relax,” Cristiano teased softly, he didn’t care how her apartment looked and he was sure that it would feel homely; it wasn’t as if she would be living there any longer.

Cristiano knew that she had worked a very low paid job and he was determined for her to have better when they returned to Madrid.

“I don’t care what your apartment looks like,” Cristiano continued while Jenna unlocked her apartment door and pushed it open, she peeked back at Cristiano who smiled at her.

Jenna smiled back before she stepped into her small apartment, she wasn’t surprised that it looked the same as if had when she had left; she flicked on the light as Cristiano closed the door behind them.

“It’s nice,” Cristiano mused remembering his first apartment, he had gotten it when he played for Sporting CP and it had been his home until he had moved to Manchester.

Jenna stared at him, she didn’t believe him for a second but she was proud of her little home; she paid for it herself while Tiffany had everything paid for by her parents.

“What?” Cristiano asked with a big smile on his face, he kissed Jenna softly before he walked away to look around her small home; he liked it since it suited her so well.

Jenna took a deep breath and smiled, she still had the trip to her parents’ house to look forward to; she had to tell her family that she was moving to Madrid so they wouldn’t be worried about her. 

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