Chapter Twenty-Four: Home at Last

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“Home at last,” Cristiano murmured pleased to be back, he was happy with how the trip had been and he was sure that settling down wouldn’t be too hard for them; he looked at Jenna glad to have her home with him.

Jenna brushed some hair from her face, she wasn’t sure what would happen now but she already had the rest of her day planned; she needed to unpack and she was in dire need of a nap.

Cristiano wrapped his arms around Jenna and held her close, he brushed his fingers down Jenna’s back; he had no idea how things had turned out so well between them.

“Why don’t you go and sleep amor? I’ll handle the bags,” Cristiano whispered pressing a kiss to the top of her head, he couldn’t believe that it had only been a month since Jenna had come into his life; they had been through so much already together.

Jenna nodded her head, she felt exhausted and the flight back had been far from easy for the couple; the paparazzi had spotted them and she was sure their pictures would be all over the news later on.

Cristiano gently pulled away from Jenna, he looked down at her wishing that they hadn’t been seen like that; he cursed the paparazzi for being so nosey.

“It’ll be okay,” Cristiano reassured, he was used to dealing with the media and he would speak to his agent about releasing a statement that would stop any issues from appearing; he didn’t want anyone harassing Jenna and scaring her away.

Jenna nodded her head, she wasn’t sure what to make of being stalked by the paparazzi and it was something that she had never thought that she would get used to; she sighed hoping that it wasn’t going to cause an issue with her getting a job.

“Go to bed amor… I’ll handle everything else,” Cristiano repeated, he could see that the trip had been tiring and he had noticed how quiet she became when she was in need of sleep.


Jenna yawned curling further into the warm heat that lay beside her, she cuddled into wanting to keep warm making Cristiano chuckle as he wrapped an arm around her; he hadn’t been able to resist joining her.

“Did you sleep well?” Cristiano asked smiling, he peeked at the clock seeing that it was early in the afternoon; he still had to check in with Iker and he knew that he would have to do it soon.

Jenna nodded rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she rested her head on Cristiano’s bare chest; she was amazed that he never seemed bothered by the cold.

“I have to go see Iker… will you be okay for a little while?” Cristiano asked looking down at Jenna, he watched her wishing that he could stay in bed with her but he needed to check in and he was sure Iker had some news for him.

It had been days since Cristiano had run patrol with the pack and he needed to stretch his legs, they had territory to defend and he didn’t want to think about something bad happening while he had been away.

Jenna opened her eyes and looked at Cristiano, she was going to have to get used to sharing him now that their bond had settled; he had been loyally by her side for a week and he had things that needed to be done.

“I won’t be long,” Cristiano promised softly, he kissed Jenna knowing that this was going to strange for the both of them; they hadn’t been parted much since he had marked her.

Jenna rested her head against hers, she was sure that she would be perfectly fine on her own for a little bit and she doubted anything could go wrong while he was gone.

“Let’s have lunch first,” Cristiano mused while his stomach grumbled, Iker wouldn’t be home yet for training and he didn’t wish to get under Sara’s feet while she was looking after Martin.

Jenna watched Cristiano roll out of bed, she snorted amused as he moved to pull on his T-shirt that he had pulled off before climbing into bed with her; she doubted the cold even bothered him.

“What do you fancy?” Cristiano asked running his fingers through his hair, he had no idea what to make and he fancied something light for lunch; he looked at Jenna with a cheeky smile on his face.

Jenna raised an eye at Cristiano, her fingers trying to brush through her hair trying to get the knots out of it so that it didn’t look like a birds nest.

“I don’t mind,” Jenna replied honestly, she was still a little asleep and she knew that Cristiano probably already knew what he was going to make; it still surprised her how well her boyfriend could cook.

The last couple of weeks had shown Jenna how much Cristiano loved to spend in the kitchen and she guessed it came from living alone for such a long time.

“I’ll make us some pasta,” Cristiano decided before he headed out of their bedroom, he had a feeling that today was going to be a good day; he loved the fact that they had been able to nap for hours without interruption.

It was a good sign that all was well in Madrid and Cristiano hoped that it stayed that way, there was no way that anything could take away his good mood.


Jenna stared at the clock for a moment, it had barely been ten minutes since Cristiano had left the house to go and see Iker; however it didn’t stop Jenna from missing him, she guessed their bond hadn’t settled completely yet.

Jenna grumbled to herself and got to her feet, she moved to put the dishes away wanting something to do until Cristiano came back; she was glad that all the wolves in the pack seemed to live in the same area of Madrid.

“He’ll be back soon,” Jenna whispered trying to calm her nerves, she had no idea why she was so nervous and she was just going to have to deal with it; she was a big girl and being alone should scare her so much.

The hairs on the back of her neck stood up as Jenna continued to try the dishes, she shook her head knowing that she was still being silly right now.

Jenna paused as she heard a knocking on the window behind her, she slowly turned around wondering if she was hearing things; the plate in her hands slipped as she stared shocked at the sight before her.

Jenna slowly backed away until her back hit the counter, her hands shaking as she wondered if she had lost her mind; Tiffany stood just outside the window smirking at her.

Tiffany looked different from when Jenna had last seen her, the brunette didn’t know what it was and it freaked her out; she watched as Tiffany waved to her while she couldn’t move.

Jenna could feel herself start to hyperventilate, she didn’t like this and almost wished she could close her eyes; this had to be some horrible dream or an illusion.

“He’s mine,” Tiffany mouthed to Jenna, her blue eyes feral staring right at her former best friend before she disappeared leaving no trace that she had actually been there.

Jenna slowly slide to the floor, her breathing uneven as she curled up into a ball; she didn’t know what the hell had just happened but she didn’t like it.

It took several moments before Jenna could calm herself down, she was shaking badly and she whimpered moving to get the phone; she needed Cristiano and she hoped that he wouldn’t think she was crazy.

Jenna clapped a hand over her mouth while she dialled, she had never felt like this in her entire life and she didn’t like it.

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