Chapter Nineteen: Explanations

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Jenna sneezed making Cristiano sigh, he wasn't surprised that she had gotten ill after what had happened yesterday and he knew that they had been lucky especially with the vampire on the loose.

"How are you feeling?" Cristiano murmured brushing his hand against Jenna's warm head, he sighed knowing that she was going to be ill for the next couple of days.

Cristiano had brought her straight back to his own home, he wanted her to get better and he hoped that she wasn't going to run from him again; he had spent the night by her side unable to think.

"Better," Jenna croaked her throat still tender after being choked by Alexander, she had been out of it for most of the day and she was shocked that Cristiano wanted to look after her when she had been nothing but trouble for him.

Cristiano nodded his head, he was relieved and he had no idea what he would have done if things had taken a turn for the worst; he knew how close he had come to actually losing his mate.

"I'm sorry," Jenna sniffled, she didn't know why Cristiano was being so nice to her when she had run when he had trusted her with his secret; she couldn't believe how poorly she had reacted.

Cristiano shook his head, he didn't blame her for freaking out and he wished he would have explained better so that she wouldn't have thought that he was trying to hurt her.

"It's okay, let's forget what happened," Cristiano replied with a soft smile, he wasn't going to hold on to what had happened; he was sure that after nearly losing her to a vampire that he would never let her out of his sight again.

Jenna smiled weakly, she was cuddled up in bed wearing a cream spot fleece snuggle top and pink fleece pyjama bottoms to keep her warm; Cristiano hadn't let her leave the bed since he had gotten her warmed up.


"So you're a werewolf..." Jenna began not sure how to ask, she had so many questions in her head and she wasn't sure how to begin; she couldn't help but be curious now after spending most of day in bed.

Cristiano nodded his head, he looked up from his book and stared at Jenna wondering what was on his mind; he wasn't surprised that she was curious but he was surprised that she wanted to talk about it.

"How?" Jenna asked not knowing how else to ask, she wanted to know more but she would understand if Cristiano didn't want to share with her after what had happened.

Cristiano closed his book, his brown eyes watching Jenna carefully not wanting to freak her out again; he wanted everything to be easy for them and it would take some time.

"It's something that runs in my blood," Cristiano replied simply, he had always known that he would be a werewolf especially since his father and older brother were; he was from a long line of werewolves and had always been careful about who he was around.

Jenna listened carefully, she wasn't sure what she wanted to know and she wanted to learn so that she knew what she had gotten herself into.

"There are actually quite a lot of us... most of us end up going into sports, choosing teams that match our species," Cristiano explained, it was the reason he had chosen to play for Manchester United first then Real Madrid; both teams were werewolf teams and he felt at home in their pack bases.

Cristiano moved closer to Jenna and sat on the bed, he had been sat in a chair near the bed so that he could keep an eye on her.

"Species?" Jenna murmured confused, she had a feeling that she knew what he meant but she wasn't sure if she wanted to know if she was right or not; she already knew that Alexander was far from human after what he had done.

"Werewolves, vampires..." Cristiano replied knowing that she would have figured out by now what had attacked her, he didn't want her frightened and he knew that they had other things that they needed to talk about.

Jenna looked down at her hands, she recalled what had happened to her and she was sure that Alexander was a vampire; she felt sick knowing that she had let him touch her.

"He'll never hurt you Jenna, I'm here to protect you," Cristiano said taking her hand in comfort, he was sure that Alexander would be dealt with soon even if he had escaped the pack last night.

Jenna looked at Cristiano wondering why he seemed so determined to help her, she was leaving in a couple of days and she knew he would be glad to see the back of her.

"Why? I've been nothing but trouble for you," Jenna whispered gently pulling her hand from his, she messed with the bedding knowing that she didn't deserve his kindness.

Cristiano sighed, he hated that she didn't thought that when it had been partially his fault for not explaining properly and not telling her sooner; he knew that it was going to take some time for things to make sense.

"Because I'm your wolf," Cristiano explained with a smile, he was always going to look out for her and he was hopeful that they wouldn't spend their time dancing around each other over something stupid.

Jenna was his mate and Cristiano was always going to be bonded to her, he would never have another for as long as he lived; she was the second part of his soul and he had waited long enough for her.

"My wolf?" Jenna asked confused, her brown eyes looking at Cristiano wondering what he was talking about; she wondered if he had been chosen by the pack or something to look after her while Alexander was after her.

Cristiano chuckled, he had tried to explain this to her yesterday but he had gone about it the wrong way; he had gotten so confused and it was no wonder she had freaked out.

"You're my soul-mate Jenna... I've waited thirteen years for you," Cristiano said softly, he smiled at her while she stared at him and he knew that she wasn't expecting any of this; he moved a little closer wanting to make sure that she didn't try to run again.

Jenna opened and closed her mouth, her mind racing and she couldn't believe that she was his soul-mate; a role like that was for someone like Tiffany not her.

"I remember the first time that I saw you... I knew you were the one for me," Cristiano repeated knowing that now she would understand, he had done it right this time and he was sure that she wasn't going to run from him; he was glad that she was finally understanding what he meant.

"It was the day of the meet and greet and I thought I'd lost you forever, that's what I was trying to tell you yesterday," Cristiano continued pleased that he had gotten his second chance to explain to her what was going on.

Jenna opened and closed her mouth, everything slowly starting to connect in her mind as she realised that she had been off since the meet and greet; she hadn't been able to stop thinking about the man in front of her and now she knew why.

"Jenna... I love you, I will for the rest of my days... you are my mate," Cristiano purred softly moving closer to Jenna, he couldn't help himself and he didn't want to freak her out.

Jenna stared at Cristiano, her stomach twisting and turning at his words; she squeaked in surprise as Cristiano wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a tender kiss.


Author's Note:

Any ideas for a ship name for Cristiano and Jenna?

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