Chapter 6 | °\Day 1/° |

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Hello this is me from 2021, a bit over a year since I posted this and holy shit my writing is a lot different-
Though the good part is that I've improved😎

°D ¶ ¶ E R POV°

I woke up to the sound of Bill's screaming.


"Bill...? Why are you screaming?" I stod up and rubbed my eyes.

"Pinetree! You are up!" Bill ran over to me and hugged me tightly.

"B-Bill...! I can't breathe!..." Bill let go of me.

Thats when I saw the tears in Bill's eyes.

"Bill... What is wrong?" I asked and grabbed his hand.

"Sixer he will... He wants to send you back, but I won't let him! I promise!" Bill held out his pinky and looked at me seriously.

"But first..." I pushed Bill's hand back. "How we will get out from here?" I asked.

"It turns out this cage is made from some material that is stopping me from using my magic. It just gets blocked no matter what I do. The only thing I can do is heal myself, and when I even do that I need to use much power and energy. And when I use so much energy on that I need to rest constantly." Bill explained.

"Well yeah, Ford wouldn't put you in a cage where you can use your powers since you could just teleport out of here. Hm... We need to see what this cage is so we can escape..." I looked around.

"So you say you can use some of your powers?" I turned to Bill and he nodded.

"For what we know right now is that it is blocking your magic. But I actually don't think that that is the case. You see, if Ford made something to block your magic then he would make it block your powers completely so why can you use some of your powers? There is two options for that. 1) Ford didn't have the material to make something to block your powers completely or he just can't since your magic is too powerful or option 2) is that this cage doesn't block your powers Bill. It simply drains the energy from you. Just kinda exhausts you. That way you can't use your powers unless you rest for much time and that is exactly the case, no?" I said and Bill nodded.

" Wow, damn Pinetree-" Bill was about to say something but I cut him out.

"I am not done yet. There is also one more prof that option two is our case. It would be much easier to make something that simply exhausts you than something that is blocking your powers." I turned to Bill and he was sitting with his legs crossed and tilting his head to the side like a confused puppy.

"Sorry I just... Kinda brainstormed..." I said and smiled awkwardly.

"No no! This is of big use! And have I ever mentioned that you are a genius Pinetree?" Bill said and I slightly blushed.

"N-no I am not.. I have just pointed out the obvious." I said and rubbed the back of my head.

"Yes you are!" Bill said.

"No I am not really..." I looked at Bill and his eyes were glowing slightly red.

"Accept the truth Pinetree..." Bill said with a demonic voice.

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