Chapter 17 |⍋Pinetree 2⍋|

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"Can you teach me more than this?" Dipper asked excited.

"Look kid, shouldn't you gain the ability to walk first?" Bill made a mistake to mock Dipper.

"It is your fault that i am like this!" Dipper's face darkened which honestly scared Bill.

"Okay okay, it is my fault! Sorry." Bill put his hands up. After that, the two males ate breakfast and started to discuss what to do next.

"So, when are we planning on going back to the shack?" Dipper asked for his boyfriend's opinion.

"Well, if i could chose then i would say never-" Bill was cut out by Dipper.

"Bill, you say that everytime." Dipper wanted to stay with Bill. He wanted to escape all that chaos at home but... Something was holding him down. He didn't know what. Dipper's only friends was Alexander (since Wendy, Soos and the others didn't really contact him at all. More people who don't care) And Dipper knew that Alexander would go with the plan if they decided to escape but something was still holding him down.

Maybe it was the feeling of being trapped there and that there was no escape that he was so used to. Or maybe he just didn't want to leave his family behind even thought it felt like they didn't care. Dipper didn't know but something was just dragging him back to that shack again and again.

"So you want to go back there." Bill said. Dipper wasn't sure if it was a question or not.

"Well yeah-" Bill interrupted Dipper.

"No Pinetree. I want you to answer what you truly want. Not what you feel like you need to do." Bill said in a serious tone.

Dipper thought for a minute.

Do I want to go back? We can go back to kill those bastards who don't give a shit about us. Why are you always like this!? Man I really don't like you. I am you. And i am the only responsible one here, i am trying to protect you, you idiot! But... Shouldn't we go back? To mom? She is the only one who can fix us... Pffft! Like that old hag would know anything about us. She should be the first victim. But what can we do...? We are too scared to leave mom and dad... Why can't you guys leave me alone!! Dipper made the mistake to yell in his thoughts (yes I know it sounds weird but bare with me)

Because you are useless alone!! You are so useless that you always get beaten up by mother and father! You are a USELESS BRAT WHO CAN'T TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF AND NEED RESCUE EVERYTIME!! S-stop- We are always rescued by Bill... Maybe he is tired of us? Dipper started tugging his hair.

While Dipper was dealing with the mess in his head Bill was concern about Dipper since he had listened to all this from his thoughts. Should Bill try and stop this? Would that hurt Pinetree... 1, 2 and 3? Bill was insane himself so he was kind of useless in this kind of situation.

Stop it... Dipper tried to calm down his thoughts. No! You little piece of shit never listen to me and here we are now! Not only don't you let me be with Bill once in a while but also if you listened to me Bill would love us more and we would be free of those sick bastards of parents! But it isn't MY FAULT! Dipper tried defending himself again.

YES IT IS!! Just calm down... The third voice in Dipper's head tried to calm the other two but it didn't seem to be working. NO! Maybe we should listen to the depressed bitch. JUST DIE! DIE! DIE!

At that point Bill decided to say something.

"It is nobody's fault!" Bill ended up saying out loud and Dipper stopped clutching his hair.

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