Chapter 4

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"I come here a few times every week." Miss Rose said as she walked into the changing rooms, "boxing has always been a healthy outlet for me. I thoroughly enjoy it, and as my PA you get to enjoy it as well"

I highly doubted that.

I was standing next to Miss Rose in the changing rooms. She had made me arrive at the office extra early this morning, only to drive me up to the gym. I extremely hated any physical activity besides running, and I knew that boxing probably wouldn't be any different.

The highlight of this whole thing was getting to see Miss Rose in a sleeveless shirt and shorts. Her limbs were so toned and her arms were covered in tattoos. I knew she had tattoos, but I had never seen so many on an individual at once. They were beautiful and seemed to trace her muscles in all the right corners.

"Come on Muna, you've gotta change too."

I immediately snapped out of my thoughts, and my brain went into panic mode.

"I can't, I didn't know we were coming to the gym, so I didn't bring any gym clothes."

Miss Rose just smiled with a devilish look in her eyes. Reaching into a locker, she produced a full set of sports clothes, down to the trainers.

"These are all in your size. I got you covered." She said winking as she handed them to me.

I glimpsed a sports bra in the pile of clothes, there was no way that was my size.

"What does this even have to do with my job," I basically whined in a last attempt to get out of whatever Miss Rose was planning.

"I need to know you'd be able to defend yourself if it ever arises. Think of boxing as a work extra-curricular activity. You know, like they have in school."

I wanted to roll my eyes so badly, but I remembered she was still my boss and instead went into one of the cubicles and began changing.

Defend myself? I was working as a PA, not for the freaking FBI.

"Come on, Muna, you're taking forever," Miss Rose said from the other end of the door.

I closed my eyes, sighing deeply before stepping out. Instantly Miss Rose scanned my body, and I watched as her green eyes seemed to darken. My heart quickened, and I bit my lip. Immediately Miss Rose's eyes were on my lips and I couldn't tell if this was actually happening or I was just hallucinating the whole thing.

"Come on." Miss Rose suddenly said as she turned around, I trailed behind her as we left the changing rooms.

We walked past the crowded gym to the room where she had private sessions to practice her boxing. My mind went blank when I felt her arm snake around my waist. People nodded at Miss Rose as we walked past and stared at me. It wasn't in a mean way, but more of a curious manner.

"Here we are."

I ignored the empty feeling as soon as Miss Rose removed her arm from around my waist and instead focused on the instructions she was giving me.

I watched as she walked over to a punching bag and began ripping into it, her muscles lean and her tattoos began glistering as the sweat trickled down her skin. I began to sweat too, but for a different reason. She made a grunting sound each time her fists came in contact with the bag, and it made me wonder what she sounded like-

"Muna. It's your turn."

My thoughts halted, and I felt myself heat up as I positioned myself in front of the punching bag. I felt Miss Rose's eyes on me. The atmosphere was so quiet compared to the noisy gym we had just walked through. I punched. It didn't even budge. I punched again. Nothing.

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