Chapter 22

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"Hey Muna." Javier greeted, his voice sounded groggy over the phone.

"Hey." I replied, still feeling extremely awkward about the night before. I wasn't sure how I was to feel about it.

"Did you get home safe last night?"

"Um yeah, I did." I replied, playing awkwardly with the hem of my pajama shirt.

"Well, I'm glad you did. I wish I could have driven you, but I was so drunk last night. I honestly can't even remember half the night."

"Oh," I said.

So he couldn't remember what had happened?

"Yeah, did anything interesting happen after we finished the movie?"

"Nah," I lied, trying to make my voice sound casual, "we just hung out for a bit before I went home."

I was a little relieved that Javier hadn't remembered, I really did not want to have to deal with anymore awkward situations.

"Okay." Javier said, "I was just checking to make sure you're in one piece. I'm going back to bed, I have a fucking terrible hangover."

"Sleep tight." I said as I bid him goodbye, "see you at work on Monday."

Monday came around and I did see Javier at work. He smiled at me and waved enthusiastically in his usual manner. However, I did not see Miss Rose at work that day... or for the rest of the week. I asked Alice Ross about it and she had simply replied that Miss Rose sometimes decided not to come into work, this was right before she had told me that I had to take care of the rest of Miss Rose's tasks till whenever it was she came back to work. I found myself showing up solo for more meetings; I had to sign documents on her behalf. Needless to say, my work week was a lot busier than usual. However, I still found ample time to worry about Miss Rose. I genuinely hoped that she was doing okay. It was hard for me not to know how she was, not to know how she was doing. I genuinely wished I could talk to her. I wanted to hear her voice again.

Amanda had called me at some time that week, and I had fabricated a story of a date I went on with Miss Rose. She sounded very happy for me, which reassured me she wasn't in any harm of any sorts. At least Caroline had kept to her side of the deal.

Friday rolled around, and I got lost in a heap load of paperwork. I had no meetings to attend to today, so I sat at my work desk for the majority of the day shuffling through papers, grouping them into files, signing my signature and placing them in a stack to be sent off. I was relieved when the work week finally drew to an end. It had been really stressful.

I left work and walked to the bus stop; I had to run a little to make it in time for the bus. If I'd missed it, I'd have to wait another fifteen for the next bus. I heaved out a sigh of relief once I got on the bus and took an empty seat next to the window.

I left work and walked to the bus stop, I had to run a little to make it in time for the bus. If I'd missed it, I'd have to wait another fifteen for the next bus. I heaved out a sigh of relief once I got on the bus and took an empty seat next to the window.

I was so mentally and physically exhausted to the point where I was numb. I had lost track of how much I had cried these past few weeks; I got very little sleep at night and I had no appetite most days. I had a dull headache constantly in the back of my head, and I popped two pills of aspirin each morning to help me get through my day.

I had not seen Caroline since that wretched day, and I was thankful for that. I knew she probably had people watching me, but I had reached a point of paranoia that now I just lived with it. I was still scared shitless, but I had mastered how to still function despite it.

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