Chapter 5

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"So tell me, do you think a snake is appropriate pet material?" I heard a masculine voice ask behind me.

I immediately knew who it was: Javier.

Javier was a colleague of mine I had gotten to know over the past weeks. He was a bit weird, but I liked it. Him being here made me feel a bit more comfortable, especially as all my other colleagues were all prim and proper or seemed a hundred years older than me.

"Depends on who you ask," I said, turning around to face him, "it also depends on the snake species or whatever." I smiled at him as I leaned against my desk. He had brown hair which he kept in a bun behind his head and had on a goofy smile.

"Would you get a snake as a pet?"

I pretended to think about his question, placing my finger on my chin and turning to look up at the sky.

"I'm not really a big fan of keeping the devil as a pet."

Javier seemed to find this funny, and he doubled over laughing. I stared at him, just laughing for a little before I joined in with little giggles. It was actually quite relieving.

"What's so funny?"

Just like that, the laughter ceased, and I was staring into Miss Rose's green eyes. Today she was dressed in a dark purple suit and her arms were crossed over her chest as she looked between Javier and I.

Javier had since stopped laughing and had now bowed his head slightly in respect. You'd think Miss Rose was Royalty or something by the way everybody acted whenever she was around, but yet, why was I infatuated by how much power she had?

"Just a joke Muna told, Miss Rose." Javier responded.

There were a few moments of silence.

"Well, tell me the joke, Muna," Miss Rose said fixing her eyes on me. "I want in."

I stared at Javier, who responded by looking at me blankly.

"The thing is, the joke doesn't really make sense when taken out of context, you see," I mumbled awkwardly, scratching the back of my neck.

"I see." Miss Rose responded flatly, "do you wanna know a really funny joke Javier?"

Javier leaned in intently and I find myself doing so too.

Miss Rose's voice goes down to a whisper, "Muna can't drive."

I let out a groan as I face-palm.

"What? You can't drive?" Javier says chuckling as he looks at me, "really?"

I glance at Miss Rose, who leans over my table with a satisfied smirk playing on her lips.

"Anyway," Miss Rose stated, abruptly changing the subject, "I've sent the details of the company retreat next weekend to your emails. Everyone has next Thursday off to pack and prepare, we would be leaving on Friday afternoon so don't be late."

At the mention of the weekend I immediately thought of how I was to be reunited with Amanda the following night and a jolt of excitement shot through me.

"You good?"

I realized Miss Rose had gone back down to her office and Javier was now staring at my zoned out face.

"Yeah, I'm good." I said smiling at him, "so what is the retreat even all about?"

I looked up at Javier as I asked. His eyes were the same color as Miss Rose's eyes, but not as beautiful. I instantly felt terrible for even thinking that.

"It's this thing that Miss Rose and other CEO's set up at the end of summer each year. She believes it helps us as an organization and is good for bonding and all that stuff. Also, it's technology free- so we're forced to sit and talk to each other and form new relationships. Oh, by the way, as her PA, you're gonna be sharing a cabin with her."

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