Chapter 32

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I was awoken by freezing cold water splashed across my face.

My eyes flew open, and I looked around, panting furiously.

"There she is." Malcolm announced once again seated in the chair before me. He had a huge grin on his face.

The second man that still had his face concealed in the ski-mask now moved away from me with the now empty bucket in his hand.

Everything came rushing back to me. This wasn't a nightmare. This was real; I had been abducted by Malcolm.

"Sleep well?" Malcolm asked sarcastically.

I looked at him, still panting heavily as my eyes began to sting.

Malcolm turned to the second man that was standing beside him and mumbled something incoherently. The second man suddenly disappeared out of the room through the lone door at the front of the shed.

"Well?" Malcolm said, "you still haven't answered my question."

"Fuck you." I replied dryly, and a huge smile crept unto Malcolm's face.

At that moment, the second man returned through the door holding a glass of water with a straw in it and began to approach me.

"Drink up." Malcolm said, "you'd need it."

I didn't argue with him, but quickly slurped the water from the straw without a second thought. I was parched, my throat was painfully dry, and the water provided a cool relief.

"That's it." Malcolm said once I finished the contents of the glass and the man returned to standing next to him, "that's a good girl."

I glared at him with as much strength as I could muster. I was in incredible pain. My limbs had grown sore and were screaming at me in agony. The pain in my head seemed to have intensified overnight, and I could still feel the effects of whatever I had been drugged with in my body. I shook my head and tried to concentrate on Malcolm, who was studying me with a pleased smirk etched unto his face.

"What do you want?" I asked dryly, "why am I here?"

My question seemed to bring some sort of joy to Malcolm as his face lit up in delight.

"See, I'm glad you asked Muna." Malcolm said as he leaned forward in his chair, "and I will tell you... but first, I want to introduce you to my friend over here."

I watched as he turned to the man standing next to him. I turned to the man too.

"Why don't you reintroduce yourself?" Malcolm said directly to the man.

The man nodded. Reaching up, he pulled back his ski-mask revealing Javier.

The shock that filled me was unbearable. I looked down at my lap and started hyperventilating. I tried to tell myself that it was a trick of the light; I tried to convince myself that I hadn't really seen what I had thought I saw. But I looked up once again and there Javier stood. He had a hard look on his face and was staring emotionlessly at me.

"Javier." I squeaked out, my voice was barely audible, "why?"

"Why?!" Javier asked. Suddenly his eyes were filled with rage, "you're asking why Muna?!"

I swallowed hard as Javier took a few steps towards me. "You rejected me, Muna, several times! I was the one meant for you, not Miss Rose! But yet, no matter what I tried, you just wouldn't give in! It was always her over me! Always her over me!"

I looked at him in deep shock.

"Javier." I said, surprised at how calm my voice sounded, "you're telling me you teamed up with Malcolm in abducting me because you were jealous? Because I didn't give in to your advances? Because I picked Miss Rose over you?"

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