Chapter 7

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Getting things wrapped up, and in order in time for the retreat was exhausting. I had arrived back in California on Sunday night and had to get up early to go to work the very next morning. It wasn't necessarily an ideal situation, but then again, life had never really been an ideal situation for me.

Throughout the week, various important-looking people came in and out of Miss Rose's office, I barely even saw her one on one. However, I knew she would be unavoidable once the weekend drew by and I was excited but extremely anxious at the same time.


I suddenly looked up from my computer screen to see Miss Rose standing at her door.

"I hope everything is in order for the retreat."

She was dressed in a denim suit; she had taken off her blazer revealing a short-sleeved button-up shirt, her tattoos were on full display.

I snatched my eyes away from her arms to meet Miss Rose's intense eyes, "yes."

"Good. I need you to work a little later today to do some last-minute arrangements with Alice."

I nodded my head, dreading having to spend even another second with Alice Ross. Frankly, I had been happy that I had not seen as much of her in the past few weeks that I had been here.

Nevertheless, at 5pm I went looking for Alice Ross. We ran through the last minute meetings, scheduling appointments to the week after the retreat and other preparations. I photocopied the schedule for the retreat and sorted them into files, one for each person.

"Take these files up to Miss Rose's office," Alice Ross ordered as she dumped a stack of papers in my hands, "you can go home afterwards."

I took off with the stack of papers in my hands. The rooms were basically empty as most people had gone home; it was past 6 by now. In the now quiet building, my heels echoed against the floor as I walked. I tried to concentrate on keeping the files from falling out of arms that were aching terribly. I pressed the elevator button and the doors quietly slid open.

I got off on the top floor and headed towards Miss Rose's office. I figured she had already left for home and pushed her door open, using my elbows without bothering to knock. I was frozen in complete terror once I saw what was beyond Miss Rose's door.

I stood gaping at the sight of Miss Rose standing there with her fingers deep in Caroline. Caroline herself was sprawled out across Miss Rose's table with her legs wide open. Her blouse buttons were undone and her boobs were hanging completely out. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't rip my eyes out from the scene before me, and just stood there, my mouth opening and closing without making any sounds.


It was Miss Rose. She had noticed me and swiftly retracted her fingers from inside of Caroline. She was now standing awkwardly beside Caroline, who had now sat up and had slowly begun to button her shirt back up.

'Um, what's up?" Miss Rose asked, scratching the back of her head awkwardly. I had never seen Miss Rose look so uncomfortable before, her usual 'in control' demeanor was nowhere to be seen. I could tell she felt really embarrassed.

What's up?

Your fingers in Caroline's pussy, Miss.

"I just came to drop some files." I said instead, shocked at how smooth my voice came out, "I'd just leave these here."

My heart was beating really fast in my chest and I thoroughly wished I had not just witnessed what I did. I bent down and carefully placed the stack of papers on the floor in front of the door. Without another word, I turned around to leave, but not before catching sight of Caroline and the smirk of satisfaction hanging from her face.

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