Chapter 27

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You know that feeling when you feel you're being watched?

Well, that was me the entire trip home. I tried to brush it off; I told myself that I was probably still paranoid from the whole Caroline thing that had occurred a couple of weeks ago.

I now stood in front of my apartment, my keys fumbling in my hands as I tried to insert it into the slot, all the while looking around me. The key turned in the lock and I instantly opened the door, closing it and locking it quickly. I breathed out a sigh of relief once inside my apartment.

My phone began ringing, and I took it out of my pocket, instantly smiling once I saw who was calling.

"Amanda, I've missed you! What's up?" I placed my work bag on the floor next to my door and began walking towards my room.

The line was silent.

"Amanda, are you there?"

"Hey Muna, there's um... there's something I need to tell you."

Amanda's voice was serious, and I instantly began panicking.

"Amanda, are you okay? Did something happen to you?" I felt myself already imagining the worst, and my heart-race instantly quickened.

"Muna, I'm fine. I'm perfect." Amanda quickly said sensing my panic, "I'm doing amazing, stop worrying."

I let out a breath of relief as I flopped down unto my bed. Just as long as Amanda was okay, how bad could whatever she needed to tell me really be?

"I got an unexpected call today." Amanda said.

"Um.. okay," I replied confused, "and... what did the call say?"

Amanda suddenly went silent on the other end of the line, I tapped my fingers against my legs impatiently.

I heard Amanda sigh before speaking again. "It's your father, he's really sick. And he wants to see you."

I think I stopped breathing then. Everything started spinning, and I had to lean against the wall for support. Amanda was talking some more, but I really couldn't hear much anymore. All that I was remembering the last time I had seen my father, him avoiding my gaze whilst my mother told me to get out of the house. I was basically fatherless these past few years. I had not heard from him since I was kicked out of the house. The father that I had known ages ago, before I came out, was now gone. My head was spinning so badly.

Why would my father want to see me? Why the hell would he want to see me?

"Hey Amanda, I've got to go." My voice was hard, emotionless.


I hung up the phone. My breathing became labored, I was sweating profusely and my heart was beating extremely fast.

Life cannot just give me a fucking break, huh?

I did not want to deal with anything right now. I didn't even want to have to think about anything right now. My head started spinning, I needed a glass of water. I stood up from my bed; I had not made it very far before my leg gave way. Even before I hit the floor, I was gone.

I sat up slowly. My apartment was completely dark, the only light being from outside, shining through my open window. I had heard something; I was sure of it. I was still in the same position that I had passed out on. I had a pounding headache, and I was certain that I was bruised somewhere. I had heard something, or someone. But now, sitting in the darkness, everything seemed quiet. How long had I been out for? I glanced down at my phone. The time was now 8pm. I slowly got to my feet, clutching my head as I felt around for a light switch before drawing the curtains closed.

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