Chapter 34

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"Daddy." I said, looking up into the face of my father.

He was smiling at me a little distance away. I seemed to be standing in a field of some sorts. The soft blades of grass tickled against my feet as I stared at my father a few meters away from where I stood. He had a smile on his face.

Where was I?

I looked around and realized I was in the flowery field overlooking the water which Miss Rose had shown me. I felt my heart clench as I thought of her.

But wait... what was my father doing in California?

A wave of realization washed over me.

"I'm dead, aren't I?" I said to my father. My voice was low and soft, and I looked down at my feet.

My dad looked at me, "did I ever tell you what your name means?"

I looked up at him in confusion but shook my head.

"Desire." My father said smiling once again at me, I looked into his deep eyes, "you have really lived up to that name. You have this desire in keep on going. No matter the circumstances."

I looked up at my father, confusion passing over me, "what are you trying to say?"

What good was having desire going to bring me right now? After all, it was already too late. I tried. I had really tried. The smell of flowers filled my nose and inhaled them deeply, basking in this moment. The wind was blowing in my direction, gently caressing my face.

"What I'm saying." My dad said softly after a brief moment of silence, "you're not dead, Muna. Keep fighting. Desire."


My eyes flew open as the door at the end of the hallway was kicked down, revealing men dressed in full army gear ran in. They had guns in their hands and wore bullet-proof vests, the guns all aimed towards us.

I was standing in the same position I had been. Malcolm reaching for my throat with his chainsaw. I wasn't dead. Not yet, anyway.

Instantly Malcolm's hands flew out, grabbing unto my braids painfully and pulling me to his front so I stood between him and the armed men. The chainsaw was at full throttle, aimed at my throat.

Javier had surrendered immediately. He had his hands raised above his head and was kneeling. I watched as two men stepped forward and grabbed him, guns aimed directly at his head as they took him outside.

Just as they walked out, Miss Rose, and Amanda appeared in the room. One of the armed men pushed them back, so that they were partly concealed behind him.

Amanda had a look of fear across her face and she looked like she was going to cry at any moment as she watched me with Malcolm's chainsaw to my neck. Miss Rose, on the other hand, had her eyes filled with intense rage. But there was another thing, something I had not seen before, fear.

I stared at the two women for a while, shocked that they were even here at all. For a brief moment I forgot about the chainsaw that was being held to my neck until I suddenly felt Malcolm tighten his grip on me roughly.

"Put the chainsaw down!" one of the armed men yelled out. He raised his gun a little, aiming it directly at Malcolm's head.

"No!" Malcolm yelled back, "take one step closer and I her head is gone in one quick slice."

My heart began beating fast, picking up its pace. I was now listening to the ferocious sound of the chainsaw in my ear and that was all that I seemed to hear. What was I going to do? Was I really going to die here? Was I really going to die right now when it seemed I was so close to the end?

Keep fighting. Desire.

I thought fast. Gathering all my might, I brought my elbow straight into Malcolm's ribs. His grip on my braids loosened momentarily, and I instantly ducked as the chainsaw was swung over my head. Malcolm swung at me again and I ran forward but was not fast enough, as I felt the chainsaw eat into my back. I let out a scream, but I didn't stop running. I was not the only one screaming at this point, but I had managed to escape Malcolm's grip and now ran across the room, stumbling into Amanda and Miss Rose's arms.

I was vaguely aware of the armed men around me and the commotion that they had broken out behind me.

"How did you find me?" I stuttered out as I tumbled into Miss Rose's arms.

I didn't know why this was the first thing that I had thought to say. I just figured that I wouldn't be found. I had given up on the idea of ever seeing Amanda or Miss Rose again. I had almost given up on my life.

"Amanda called me and told me about what happened. I flew her out here immediately. We organized a team to track you immediately-" Miss Rose kept talking, but I was beginning to lose consciousness, I became vaguely aware of the fact that I was still bleeding profusely.

The pain all over my body seemed intensified. And it became unbearable, I closed my eyes slowly allowing myself to be pulled beneath.

"Is she going to make it?" I heard Amanda say, but it sounded distant.

"It's still too early to tell." Came the reply, the voice sounded unfamiliar. It was one I had not heard before.

There was more talking, but I couldn't decipher anything that was being said. Instead, I felt myself being lifted up. I heard what sounded like Amanda crying and I opened my eyes slightly to see I was being carried into an Ambulance by two unfamiliar women. I saw Miss Rose comforting Amanda as the Ambulance door closed and the sirens began blaring through the roof.

My eyes felt extremely heavy, and I let them shut.

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