Chapter 9

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"Hey princess," my father smiled down at five-year-old me, "want more ice cream?"

I nodded my head quickly and clapped my hands together in anticipation. There was no way that I was going to pass up an opportunity for ice cream.

I loved this. Being daddy's girl, I could live like this forever.

My father carefully placed the cone of the chocolate ice-cream in my hands and I quickly bit into it and regretted it immediately.

"Daddy," I cried, "I can't feel my teeth. My head hurts."

My father laughed and proceeded to take the ice-cream from my hands, "that's called a brain freeze, honey. You're going too fast."

He handed me back the ice-cream, and I took a little lick out of it as he nodded in encouragement. I smiled up at him.

The image of my father's face morphed, and I found myself at the front door of my house.

I was standing there, boxes at my feet, while my mother screamed at me. My father stood in a corner, not looking at me.

"Please," I begged, my voice breaking, "don't do this... I can go back to conversion.. I-I'd do anything, please."

"No." my mother's voice was firm and her eyes lacked emotion. Lacked sympathy.

"Daddy, please." There was no reply. He didn't even look at me.

"Get out," my mother said. Her voice was hard. "Now."

There was the sound of my begging echoing throughout my head. Me pleading, hanging on desperately, scared.

Please. Please. Please. Please.

"Wake up, Muna," a voice said from above me. Hands were on my shoulders, shaking me furiously.

"Please. Please. Please! Please!! PLEASE!" my eyes snapped open at this point.

I was hot, drenched in sweat, Miss Rose was leaning over me. My bedside lamp was switched on.

"Here, have some water," Miss Rose whispered, handing me a cup of water.

I sat up slowly as I took the cup from her with trembling hands, I suddenly became aware of the dampness on my cheeks. I had been having another nightmare, and I was screaming in my sleep. My hand shook suddenly, spilling the glass of water all over my bed sheets.

"Hold on a second," Miss Rose mumbled, taking the now empty glass away from me.

She suddenly lifted me out of the bed like I weighed nothing, walking the few feet over to her bed and sat down, her back pressed against the head of the bed and me in her arms. She cradled me in her arm as I tried to suppress my cries. My body was still trembling slightly, and I tried to take deep breaths to calm myself down.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Miss Rose whispered softly once my heavy breathing had calmed down.

I was silent for a moment.

"It really hurts sometimes," was all I could mumble out, I felt myself becoming loose and Miss Rose's arms wrapped tighter around my waist as she pulled me closer.

"I'm going to keep you safe, Muna, I promise." Miss Rose stated as she nuzzled her face into my hair. I looked into her eyes, they were bright and she smiled softly at me.

I leaned my head into her chest, listening to the steady pace of her heartbeat whilst she traced patterns up my arm, leaving goosebumps in her wake.

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