Chapter 24

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"She hired mercenaries to watch over me?!"

I couldn't blame Amanda for her reaction. We had been on the FaceTime call for the last three hours and I was finally telling Amanda everything that had been going on. I felt extremely relieved finally being able to put this part of my life behind me. Caroline had pleaded insanity at court and had been taken to a mental institution rather than jail. Either ways, I was pretty content to know that she was away from me. That she could no longer hurt me or the people that I cared about.

"Wow." Amanda said once I finished explaining everything to her.

"I know," I said sighing, "I know."

The line was silent for a while.

"Muna." Amanda said, her voice was cracking up, "I hate that you had to go through all that alone."

She sounded like she was on the verge of tears.

"Amanda. It's over now, I'm safe. Miss Rose is making sure of that, please don't cry, you're just gonna make me cry and that's all I've been doing for a while." I said on the verge of tears myself.

"Okay, okay." Amanda said clearing her throat, "but wow, you're so amazing Muna. You inspire me every day."

Literal tears rolled down my face.

"Amanda, now you're making me cry."

Amanda started giggling from the other end of the line amidst everything, "okay. Enough with the sappy stuff. Are you ready for your weekend with Miss Rose?"

It was Thanksgiving weekend, and I was going to be spending all of it with Miss Rose. I was packing my night bag as I spoke to Amanda on the phone and instantly got jumpy knowing that I'd be with Miss Rose throughout this weekend. It was both exciting and nerve-racking.

"I'm super excited, she should be here to pick me up soon."

As if on cue, I got a text from Miss Rose telling me she was downstairs.

"She's here Amanda!" I yelled in excitement into the phone and Amanda began screaming back at me before we both started laughing our heads off.

"Okay, okay. Go have fun! Love you!" Amanda said before hanging up.

I immediately zipped up my bag, slung it over my shoulder and headed out of my apartment. There Miss Rose was with a big smile on her face.

"Hi gorgeous." She said the second she saw me and on instinct I felt myself heat up.

"Hi," I squeaked in reply, smiling like a fool.

Miss Rose took my luggage from me and put it in the trunk of her car. As I got into the car, I couldn't contain my happiness knowing that everything was fine. I was safe. I was going to be happy.

"You know how we haven't been on a date yet?" Miss Rose suddenly said. She had a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

"Yeah..." I said as I looked at her, but she kept her eyes fixed on the side of the road.

"Well, we're going on one now. We're going dancing."

I stared at Miss Rose for a while as she just smiled silently up ahead.

"What," I said laughing, "dancing?"

"Yeah." Miss Rose said with a smile on her face growing bigger, "I'm taking you to the club right now."

I realized that when she meant right now; she meant right now. As in this very moment.

"I-," I began trying to find my words, "I'm not even dressed for the club."

I was wearing jeans and a graphic tee topped with sneakers.

"Neither am I." Miss Rose replied, "it doesn't matter."

I couldn't envision the smile on her face getting any bigger than it was right now.

"Here we are!" Miss Rose exclaimed as she drove into the parking lot of a club, I could hear the music blaring all the way from outside.

"Are you sure we can go in dressed this way?" I asked, looking at Miss Rose, who had now parked and was smiling at me.

"What are they gonna do, Muna? Turn us away because we're dressed 'inappropriately'?" She put up air-quotes and rolled her eyes, "besides. It'd be dark inside." She smiled at me once again, her eyes searching mine.

"Okay okay okay." I said laughing in defeat, "let's go dance!"

I'd be lying if I said we didn't get weird looks from people as we approached the club. Everyone else was wearing dresses or suits or whatever. But here I was in my jeans, and then there was Miss Rose with a pair of sweatpants on. Even the bouncer looked at us weirdly, for a second I was certain he was going to turn us around. But he didn't. He motioned for us to walk in with a simple 'have a good time.'

"See." Miss Rose said, intertwining her fingers with mine, "I told you everything was gonna be fine."

I smiled back in reply as we entered the club. We were instantly engulfed in darkness and flashing lights, music was blaring all over the speakers and there were people all around me.

"Do you want a drink?" Miss Rose asked directly into my ear for me to hear her over the music.

"What about you?" I asked, "are you gonna get a drink?"

"I can't." Miss Rose said right back into my ear, "I'm trying to remain sober again."

I nodded my head and felt my heart seize in my chest. I couldn't help feeling that the reason she had not been sober was my fault; I pushed the guilt I felt down and smiled up at her.

"No." I replied, "we don't need alcohol to have a good time."

"Okay." Miss Rose said, smiling at me before taking my hand in hers and pushing her way through the crowd of people till we got to a corner of the room. "Well, I guess all that's left to do is dance."

She took both my hands in hers and we began dancing up against each other. I loved this; I loved looking up into her face in the darkness and getting lost in her eyes. Miss Rose suddenly turned me around and grabbed my hips, pulling it against her front. I danced up against her as the tempo of the music slowed down. She held me firmly against her and I listened to her heavy breathing in my ear. This was amazing.

I slowly felt as she slipped her fingers through my shirt, fondling my breasts through my bra. I felt the moisture increase between my legs and I moved my backside harder into Miss Rose, who was quietly panting in my ear; I loved this. Miss Rose fiercely turned me around as she took my lips in hers and began kissing me roughly. She had never kissed me like this, and I felt myself coming loose. I reached up, tangling my hands in her short hair as she kissed me. We pulled away, pressing our foreheads against each other's and I stared into Miss Rose's eyes which had grown darker.

Concealed by the darkness, Miss Rose reached down and palmed me through my jeans. I was going crazy. She was teasing me and she knew it; she was enjoying it too. I reached up and kissed her and bit on her bottom lip and she instantly moaned into my mouth opening it wider to allow me more access; I pulled away then and smiled up at her. Two could play at the teasing game.

For the rest of the night we danced against each other: kissing and groping and touching. I was so happy in that moment, just having my body pressed against Miss Rose's and swaying silently, just looking into each other's eyes.

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