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The fact that I felt bad doesn't mean I was going to call her and apologise. This is not the time to form meaningless relationships. But for some reason my parent think otherwise.

'make friends honey' 'live your best life' they say all the time.

Sorry if we don't share the same views.

If my stay on Earth is going to be short lived, there's no point making fun filled memories that would make the thought of me dying, unbearable.

You can say that I'm negative, it's your choice. I don't want anymore eyes crying for me. That's why I push people away. I already have to worry about my parent.


I was out of the hospital in two days and I refused to stay home like my parents advise.

"You already enrolled me in school, can I at least try to finish this?"

I had almost all my classes with Aliyah. We would meet at the hall or in class but say nothing to each other.

It was already a week and Aliyah hasn't said a word to me.

It's for the best, she should stay away for her own good. I notice she stares at me all the time, it's so obvious cause I could feel somebody burning a hole in my head.

Aliyah's POV

I was scared to death that night. I didn't know what was going on and I felt so useless. I guess I care about her a lot, cause when I saw her lifeless body I felt the life in me drain out.

Mr and Mrs Davis kept assuring me that nothing was wrong, that she would be fine.

"Why does she do this to me" I sighed

I was watching her from across the room.

She had her airpods plugged in as always.

I decided to keep my distance since that night, but I can't help it. I want to talk to her, I want to ask her what happened.

I sighed again.

After classes I decided to go talk to her. We were now in the hallway and I watched her lean on her locker going through her phone

"Hey babe" Carson kissed my cheeks, I was so distracted. What's so interesting in her stupid phone, can't she just look at me. As if hearing my thoughts her gaze met mine

"What are you looking at" he asked again, following my gaze.

"Why are you looking at that loner"

Ava blinked then she walked away

I rolled my eyes at Carson

"What do you want Carson" I was almost irritated.

He stood in front of me blocking my view. I still wanted to meet up with Ava before she left

"Hey hey look at me"
I did so

"My place?" He asked almost too cheerfully

I was indecisive. I had something I wanted to do. Fuck it

"Sure, ill meet you there"

When he left Ava was already no where in sight.

'i guess I would have to do that later'

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