Ice Cream

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Aliyah's POV

This is devastating

It's been two days already since Ava left.

For those wondering, yes we got married. We promised when she got back we would have a bigger wedding reception, that's if she wants it

For now, I'm stuck here alone

"Chill out babe, she'll be fine, don't be such a drama queen"

I roll to my side. Sarah is no help

"Come on lets go out"

"I don't want to go out" i whined

"But you've been indoor for the last two days"

"I know, I don't want the sun to touch my skin"

She chuckled

"Come on, i might have to drag you"

"Sarah no, I don't want to communicate with other people"

"You're literally not going to talk to anyone" she pointed out

"I just need a hug" i pouted

"Awwn, come here boo"

I moved closer to her

She squeezed me rubbing up and down my back

"Don't worry babe, everything's going to be alright. Ava would be back in no time"


"Stop sulking Aliyah"

I sniffled

"I'm not" i pulled back

"I know what would cheer you up"

"What?" i adjusted myself on the couch

"Music" she beamed

I rolled my eyes

"That doesn't cheer you up, it makes you go crazy"


She connected her song, making sure to play it in the highest volume

"Nothing slow and depressing Sarah" i warned

She laughed

"Trap it is"

A couple trap came up and she sang along, trying to get me to do the same

"Sarah if they did the songs like that i don't think anyone would listen to them"

She rolled her eyes

"I'll be right back, i want to use the bathroom"

"Okay" i shrugged

I grab the bag of chips on the coffee table when the next song came up

I know this tune


"What! give me a minute" her voice echoed

"You don't have a minute, come change this shit"

She walked back in slowly, taking her time

"Oh" she chuckled

"Train wrek" i love this song

I rolled my eyes

"As much as i love James Arthur I can't listen to this"

"Chill out girl. At least it isn't Justin Bieber's 'lonely' "

"Ugh, I'd die if that song came up, don't even dare"

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