The Game

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My alarm went off but I snoozed it. It kept ringing after a few minutes

This is becoming annoying

"Turn it off"

I froze

Wait. How did I forget Aliyah slept here. I tried to face her but I couldn't because she cuddled me tightly

I lifted my phone to my eye level to check the time

My eyes widened immediately when I realized what the time was.

"Aliyah get up" I tried to wiggle out of her hold gently but she held onto me tightly

"What, why?" she groaned sleepily

I tried to roll us over but Aliyah refused to let go like the big baby she was.

"Aliyah come on, we're going to be late for school"

"Who cares, let's skip" she grumbled

I rolled my eyes, this is coming from someone who loves attending classes like her life depends on it

"Aliyah, come on" I complained

She gradually released her hold on me mumbling incoherent words

I turned to face her. She still had her eyes closed

I pinched her cheeks

"Wake up cutee"

she mumbled, refusing to open her eyes

I chuckled

"Stop being cute. Wake up"

She opened her eyes slowly, smiling back at me sleepily.

I suddenly didn't have the urge to go to school anymore

"Good morning love"  she spoke softly

I smiled. Is this how it would feel, if I could wake up beside her everyday? I wished she could just move in

"Good morning" I smiled,  placing a peck on her lips before standing quickly

"No, come back" she whined

I chuckled

"Unfortunately we need to go to school and you need to graduate"

"Urgggh" she complained, dragging her body to follow me

"Let's shower together" she grinned

I rolled my eyes

"In your dreams Al"

She pouted

"Come on" she begged

"If we have to hurry I think we need to use the same bathroom. It's rocket science" she smiled

I laughed at this

Nice try Al

"There's a bathroom down the hall Al, you can use that" I threw my robe at her. She caught it with ease

"There is soap, a spare toothbrush, basically everything you need" I chuckled as she kept pouting

"Fine. I can't argue with you anyway"

I chuckled

"Hurry, I don't want to go late" I said

She nodded before heading out

We were able to make it to school on time. Aliyah looked really cute wearing my cloths. Although she kept complaining that I only had darker colors.

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