Think Straight

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Aliyah's POV

"It meant nothing to me Aliyah"

"Mmhmm" i said with ice cream in my mouth

"I'm not even like that, I'm straight"

"Wow, aren't we all"

"I'm serious Aliyah"

"Come on Ben, you can't fuck a dude and claim to be straight, that's like calling a rainbow horizontal"

"Yeah i know, but it was a one time thing, i just felt confused"

"Ben, I'm sorry okay. But you got to tell me what happened, how did that happen?"

He sighed

"Well, i went to his party last night, the one we got invited to"

I rolled my eyes remembering Clair

"i got drunk and we kissed. I felt so sick so i went home" he stopped, watching me

"Go on" i encouraged

"well this morning he stopped by.
I was shocked to see him right outside, i was too tired to tell him to leave, plus, i felt bad for how things went down last night"

"He stayed, we talked and he listened to the things i had to say. Quite different from the first impression we had. I don't know why but in that moment i was caught up" he shrug his shoulders

"I'm not even attracted to boys it's so confusing"

"I'm not even attracted to girls either" i shrug

He looked at me like i was crazy


"You're dating my sister"

"Correction Ben, I'm Married to your sister" i smiled

He raised his brows

"I'm serious, Ava is the only girl I'm attracted to" i stated plainly

"Is that even possible?"

"I don't know" i shrug

"Does it matter? I see other girls and I'm like, ney, even Megan Fox, the one most girls go crazy about"

"Are you sure you're human" he chuckled

"Yup, i was made for one girl only"

"I find that hard to believe" he licked his ice cream

"Believe whatever you want Ben"

He shaked his head

"I just know it would never happen again" he sighed

"You can tell yourself that" i laughed

"You're not helping Aliyah"

"Come on, what do you want me to say? I know you'll figure this out but please why you're at it, try not to hurt anyone's feelings"

He looked at his empty ice cream cup


Gosh i miss Ava

"How's Ava"

He looked at me, he had this sad glint in his eyes

"She's fine"

He wasn't telling me something

"When last did you contact them? I've been trying for like forever"

"Uhm, last night i guess"

I raised a brow

"You guess?"

"Yeah, we spoke last night"

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