Who needs Love

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Monday mornings are the worst. They're depressingly long and boring.

I dread going to school cause I know I'll see Aliyah today. She's literally in all my classes.

I groaned

What would I tell her if we met at school. I'm sure she's mad at me. Even a blind goat would notice. I groaned. Why do I care so much. I want old me back

"Ava get your butt in the car I have practice" Ben shouted from downstairs.

I groaned. Can my life just end already. It's way too early to be in school.

Why do I have to go with him anyways.

I dragged my body downstairs and saw Dad going through the papers. I noticed Mom was not in sight

"Hey Dad" I greeted.

He dropped the newspaper in his hands and kissed my head

"Hey baby" he chuckled

"You look ready for the new week" he laughed again gesturing towards me.

I groaned

"Bye Dad" I said grabbing an apple from the Table.

I entered Ben's car and he looks really pissed

"You just had to drag your lazy ass, I woke you like 2hrs early" I rolled my eyes

"I can always walk to school you know"

He hissed

But drove rather too fast for my liking. if this illness doesn't kill me, Ben would, if he drives like this everyday to school.

We got to school and I got out. Ben locked his car and jogged into school

Jeez we're 15min early for his stupid practice why is his too hyper.

I looked around and walked into school taking my time.

Im way to early for school, most teachers aren't even here. I groaned. I hate Mondays

I walked into school anyways.

I hope the library would be open, I can kill time from there.

......................................................... ..............

The rest of school was blah blah boring.

Aliyah did a great job ignoring me today. She acted like I didn't even exist.

This was what I wanted right. I've got to admit, it stings a little.

As if Bens early morning practice wasn't enough I still had to wait for him to conclude his practice after school. I understand that the school is having an important game coming up but how does this concern me in any away.

Mom and Dad won't let me ride a public bus, they basically said over their dead bodies before they would let that happen.

I didn't want to go to the field cause then I would have to watch overgrown teenage boys jumping around while tossing a ball. Hey don't get offended, I'm not a sports person, I don't understand what the deal is with football, everyone seems to go crazy about it.

I worked out for sure but nothing over the top.

I sat under the tree facing the schools parking lot. Surpricinly the school has a lot of nice spot to chill and enjoy the nice breeze that nature gives you.

I saw Aliyah walk towards her car side by side with a blonde I didn't really recognize. She was putting on cheerleading uniform.

For some reasons I kept my eyes on them.

They were talking and laughing about whatever they found funny

She leaned on her car now facing my direction but not lifting her head to look towards me. She maintained her focus on the blonde.

I couldn't take my eyes off her 

I watched the way she spoke, smiling slightly at the shorter girl. Aliyah is kinda tall. She would shift slightly, adjusting her position.

She adjusted her gaze and her eyes met mine.

Opps caught.

Well, she completely ignored me, returning her attention to the blonde before her. That hurt.

Just as I was about to take me gaze off her, I saw the blonde stand on her toes leaning in and placing a kiss on Aliyah's cheek, well more like the side of her mouth. That still count as a kiss if you'd ask me

The moment that happen Aliyah's eyes shot up to my direction, she looked shocked but only for a brief moment, she watched me watch her.

She had an expression on her face I couldn't read.

I didn't care, or I thought I didn't. I looked at anything but those two.
I just want to go home and get comfortable on my bed.

Ptff why should I be bothered. It's not like we're dating or anything. She can do whatever she likes, I don't care.

But why do I feel like someone or something is drilling holes into my chest right now. I placed my hand on my chest. It felt like I would pass out at any moment

I forgot my medication at home. Quite frankly I can't remember the last time I took them. They don't seem to do me any good, so why take them at all?

I grabbed my bag, standing quickly. I made sure to brush off any trace of dirt on me before walking off.

The heavens just made sure I had to pass by those two in order to approach the gate.

Getting closer to them, I could here their conversation

"So see you this Friday, it's a date"
The blonde spoke, placing her hands around Aliyah's waist. One from afar would guess they're a couple. I rolled my eyes and kept walking

I noticed eyes were on me as I passed by but I didn't bother to look up or notice my surrounding. My only task was to get the hell out of here. I'm not going to lie, I really do feel like passing out

❤️❤️ Big love from me guys. I hope you enjoyed it

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