Getting Close

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Aliyah's POV

We got our food and started eating.

its proper table manners to avoiding talking while you eat, I tried to keep our conversations short and simple.

"So what are your plans after High school" Ava asked and this got my attention

I cleaned my mouth with the available napkin

"Well, I plan to go to college, but I still don't know what I want to major in" she chuckles

"What about you? What are your plans after graduation"

I noticed my question threw her off, cause her mood changed. I almost forgot. I felt bad instantly. Why am I so stupid.

"I'm sorry" I spoke quickly

"It's fine" she smiled slightly. But it looked fake.

I need to do something

"Have you ever thought of doing something about your passion for music?"

She looked up

"What do you mean?"

I smiled

"I mean, you love music a lot" I shrugged and continued

"I figured you'd be this music genius,great with instruments and all"

I watched her reaction. she was smiling brightly now

"That's sweet, but I just love listening to music that's all"

"Have you thought about taking a liking to musical instruments"

She nodded "yes"

"But I lost interest" she spoke up

"What instrument do you love the most" I wanted to know more about her. She has such a beautiful heart but she can't see it. She locks herself away in this dark spot, I want her to come out

She smiled looking deep in thought

"I love all of them" it was written all over her face, how much she loved this

"But, I love the Piano more" she said before taking a sip of her drink.

We were now done with our meal but decided to stay a little longer to chit chat

"Ever thought about getting one?" I asked

She simply nodded

"It requires taking lessons, and I don't  want to mingle with other people"

I laughed at this. This is Ava for you

"Why not take private lessons?"

She nodded
"You have a point, but they cost too much"

I disagreed

"Not really"
She rolled her eyes

"They do"

I smiled. I decided to leave it at that.

I'll make it my personal mission to get a piano for her and arrange for private lessons. I would have to arrange with Ava's parents. Hopefully they see reasons to it.

We got to the car and headed for the lake.

When we got there it was few minutes past 5

We still had time.

I spread a blanket on the ground for us to seat and I brought out the picnic basket.

Ava scanned it

"I'm already full I don't think there's any room for more food, she said holding ber stomach.

I laughed

"Your stomach is flat as a board, are you sure you ate anything at all " I joked

"Ha ha very funny" she sat down, I did too.

This place was peaceful like I wanted it to be. I love the smell of fresh air. I closed my eyes enjoying the cool air.

I turned to notice Ava smiling at me, when she saw she was caught she averted her gaze. I chuckled

"It's so peaceful out here" she spoke

I listened to her voice. Music to my ears

"How did you find this place" she asked

I looked around

"I come here with my Dad often"

"You've never spoken much about yourself" she asked

I smiled at this. She wants to know more about me

"We're four actually. I'm the last born. Three boys one girl" I smiled watching her listen to me

"The first two are married but live in different states, the third one is a photographer in London. He left a long time ago" I smiled thinking about my family. We only get together on special holidays

"What about your parents" she asked adjusting her position to lay gently on the floor.
I did the same thing, facing her. Our faces were inches apart,but not to close, to entertain what you're thinking.

"Well, my mom died when I was 12 and my Dad, well, he's still the greatest Dad alive" I spoke

"Sorry about your mom"

"It's nothing" I smiled

I kept my gaze on her till it fell on her lips. I know she saw me staring at her lips but I couldn't help it.

I don't know whether I was the one pulling closer or she was pulling closer to me, but either ways our faces were getting close.

My breathing became disoriented, I could feel the heat on my face. Just went our lips were about to touch. I could hear my heart beat so loud.

She pulled away

"No, I'm sorry I can't do this"

😒😒What's going through Ava's head?

Thanks for reading guys♥️♥️

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