Chapter 49

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🌻Kataleya 🌻

I cried all night when I heard that Sandra passed away yesterday. I wanna know who killed her! Why would they or he or she kill her!

Sandra was my best friend. I loved her like she was my sister. She was the only child and so was I. I just can't.......can't believe somebody would kill her. She was ready to start college and work as nurse or whatever she said she wanted to be. Sandra had a future.

I laid in bed all day just looking outside the window. My mom came by my room door with a sad look on her face. She must've of heard too. "Baby I'm sooo sorry about what happened to Sandra"she sat on the bed with me. "She didn't deserve it"

"No one deserves to die momma. Not even her"I cried in her arms. She rub my back while singing softly in my ears. This will sometimes calm me down. "Did her mom find out?"I ask my momma.

"I don't think they know yet"she said. "Shit is sad"she sniffle.

After crying with my mom for an hour, I finally went to sleep. I was dreaming of me and Sandra playing around in college, having fun at parties, and shopping. But that's never gonna happened.


I was at trevante house feeling all down. I didn't want to talk to no one. Not even tre.

"Babe. You alright?"tre ask. I didn't even look at him. I just kept staring at the window where they said her body was at.

"Do you know who did it?"I ask tre.

"Nah I don't know who did it"he shook his head. "Do you? Cause you know detectives will ask you and me some questions"

"No I don't. I'm still tryna figure out why was she down here"I said. "Like I knew she was rich but she doesn't live in this area"

"True"trevante said. "Maybe she was meeting up with someone down here"

"I guess"I mumble. The whole day me and tre just laid in bed watching tv. I didn't want to leave his side and go back home. I have another week left to stay in Chicago. But I don't wanna leave yet.

I wanna stay for her funeral.

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