Chapter 12

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Nathan's pov

Red was all i could see , Celeste had the audacity to stab my mate, i was about to jump into the ring , Mason and Carol held me down even red's friend.

" Let me go " i said in a deep voice .

" No Nate if you interrupt the challenge you might lose your dragon" Carol was concerned but i don't care i need my mate.

' mate go to mate, must help mate now,GO NOW' storm my dragon kept on screaming in my head.

'" AS YOUR KING I COMMAND YOU TO LET ME GO NOW " i said with my kingly voice.

Carol and Mason let me go on command but i couldn't move from my spot.

" What did you do to him" Carol said about to pounce on her.

" I knew he was going to do this so I hexed him for his own good" red's friend said with a smile in her voice .
" Your welcome" she added.

We heard a laugh coming from the ring , i thought Celeste would be the one laughing but it was too melodious.

Red was laughing, I'm confused. She clutched her injured side and stood up , she looked at the blood coming out of her side. The blood turned into blue fire before our very eyes, her skin sewed itself back together.

" You think I'm a wolf so you rely on silver and wolfsbane" her voice was different but i could still hear her voice .

Her eyes were bright blue the scary thing was that her hair was turning into blue flames, mesmerizing but deadly.

" You would need something more than that to kill me" red laughed again before continuing" from when I saw you i knew you were not smart ".

Celeste ran at her to stab her again but she blocked it with he's newly grown talons, makes me wonder how Nova looks like.

Red slashed Celeste's face leaving a burned open wound. Celeste screamed bloody murder clutching her face. Red threw her few feet away from her.

I heard a bone crack , is Celeste crazy, she shifting, dragons don't shift unless it's really needed.

" I was thinking of going easy on you but you leave me no choice " Celeste completely shifted into a nine foot tall black dragon.

" Wow you're still growing, i thought you'd be taller " red said completely mocking her.

Celeste growled at her running at her , Celeste really isn't playing fair , Celeste stopped running when a huge blanket of blue fire surrounded Red, growing bigger and bigger and bigger until it disappears leaving us to behold the rarest killer bird in the world.

" Holy shit , she's huge " Carol said with her mouth open.

I was frozen not only because red's friend froze me but because of the magnificent phoenix before me .

I noticed a hidden talon in Nova's flaming wings.

Celeste ran at her ,i knew that this was the dumbest thing anyone could do . Even if dragons are immune to fire it doesn't mean we are immune to phoenix fire especially the rarest fire.

Celeste got burned as she bit red's wing funny thing is that red let her . Celeste was roaring in pain, her mouth was bleeding.

Celeste blew fire at her , we all watched as red was engulfed in fire .
What shocked me was how the fire turned blue , no one could see red's phoenix body only fire.

The place was getting too hot for my liking . Red attacked her engulfing Celeste in the fire.

Fuck i never knew that black could get any darker until now. Red threw Celeste to a nearby tree which just caught fire.

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