Chapter 5

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I opened my eyes after I don't know how long, my body is stiff.
I shifted my head and heard someone sigh.

" Oh thank God you woke up"

I opened my eyes and saw it was Carol speaking.

" Did you want me dead in the first place"

" No!, really it's just that you've been asleep for three days " my eyes opened wide at her words.

"T t three days how is that possible" I held my head frustrated.

" But from what I've found out we are not in London anymore".

" What?, Then what do they want with us "

" I don't know"

I sniffed the air picking up the stench of rotten flesh and a wet dog only meaning one thing .

" What's wrong ?" She asked

" I smell vampires and rogue wolves"

The unbearable stench became stronger as they came to our cell.

"Oh look sleeping beauty has awoken" one vampire said though he looks hot as fuck ,his smell just drives me away.
I would so do him if he wasn't a vampire not that I'm discriminating but don't they use the shower.

" No flirting Luke " blue eyes said

" Yeah luke no flirting" I said taunting him.

" You better watch your mouth before I drain you "Luke said getting angry .

" Like the leach you are "
That must've hit the nerve because he rushed to the bars that was covered in wolfsbane and virvane ,he hissed at contact.

I laughed at him
" You are so dumb, even I knew some thing was wrong with the bars "

" Luke go for a run "blue eyes said again.

" Yeah luke run along, like the coward you are" I said with my voice dripping with venom.
Luke ran to the bars again and hissed in contact again,cue the laughter.

" You really are stupid"

" Luke go now" blue eyes said with authority that almost made me bow,
Kidding it was just pathetic.
Luke walked away.

" Bye Luke you really made my day" I said as he left.
" Now what do you weirdos want"

" Wow you really are fiesty "

" I'm not here to chit chat do get on with it , why are we here "

"Well we're not here for you " a red hair said.

" Shut up I wasn't talking to you , I was talking to cutie with blue eyes so just stay at a corner where you will be just as irrelevant as you were before you spoke, thank you" okay maybe that was a little bit harsh but hey they kidnapped us .

His cheeks turn red from embarrassment.

" Okay girl I suggest you shut up before I shut it for you or use it for something else"blue eyes said as a threat.

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