Chapter 1

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   My alarm went off , i groan waking up from my safe haven to reality were pain exist.
I moan in pain as I tried to stand up , my back still hurts from yesterday beating fest .

'sorry I have to heal you at a slower pace than normal, plus it's exhausting' Nova my Phoenix said

" Good morning to you too" I said to Nova " can I at least stand"

' go ahead' Nova said before she cut the link

  I stood up and went to shower , I wore a blue T-shirt with  black trousers and black shoes and went straight to the kitchen to cook.
    While I'm cooking let me introduce myself my name is merideth Nightingale and I'm a hybrid well I found out about being a hybrid two years ago phoenix shifter/elf hybrid .
   I know the worse combination ever but I would have met another phoenix shifter/elf hybrid if phoenix shifters were actually still around and if elves weren't destroyed .
   I don't have the fire of a Phoenix shifter but when I'm 18 I can set my body or anything on fire, for the record I don't have an elf spirit.
    I was accepted to the pack when I was brought here 6 years ago, Margo  the lady that took me in died in a rouge attack.
    I have red hair and vibrant green eyes , I'm 5.6ft , I'm 17 years old would be 18 soon enough more like in two days, I'm friends with Arabella the alpha king's daughter but we don't talk much.

"Good morning red" Catherine my best friend said hugging me from my back.

" Hi cat how are you doing"

  She looked at me like I had grown a moustache

"What? " I asked completely confused

" I'm meant to ask you that question, how's your back" I saw worry and guilt in her eyes

  "I will heal "

"Nonsense, they shouldn't have done that to you " I could tell that this is eating her from the way her voice broke.

   " You can't stop it "I said

" What if I ask Jace"

" Probably make it worse" I know what he can do.
    Jace aka alpha prince soon to be king, birthday tomorrow when he would be 18 and be alpha king plus he would find his mate , everyone thinks Catherine would be his mate but we would find out tomorrow.
   After making breakfast for 1000 inhabitants in pack house number 1, I carried my bag and left for school, Amelia normally cleans the dishes.
    And yes there is more than one pack house, there are three in total.
walking to school can be exhausting especially when you know that you can't shift to get there due to wolves looking for someone to hurt .
   Getting to school I kept my head down knowing the consequences readying myself for the insults I'll be receiving.

" Slut"

  " Whore"

  " Chubby"


    And so on I hear everyday, I'm used to it really. I got to my locker took my books and left to my class, ugh math the worst subject ever .
    I went to my class luckily Arabella is in my class. After the warning bell Arabella came in with mark  future alpha of blue moon pack, they are so cute together they make mates look like a fairytale, makes me wonder how my mate would be .

   " Little red Riding Hood" that's what Arabella calls me

   " Beauty and the beast" I replied her
Since I call her Belle.

   " How are you doing" seeing pity in her eyes I knew what she wanted to know.

    "I'll heal don't worry"

" I can't believe Jace made yesterday a holiday for hitting you"

"He called it hitting merideth fiesta" I said and chuckled awkwardly.

  " I wish I can make you join my pack" this time mark spoke

" If only" was my reply before the teacher came in.


  I have never been sleepy in my entire life , math can cure insomnia if you ask how stay for a lesson.
   The bell rang saving us from torture of maths , I went to my next class as I entered I went to my seat which was at the window with a great view of the forest.
  The queen bee of the school, next in line to the throne princess Ashley walked in heading straight for me .

"Hello ugly" she said in an annoying high pitched voice

" Your majesty"humans think that 'your majesty' is  a nick name for her
  She pushes my books on the ground, I bent to pick it up then she kicked my stomach and stepped on my back re-opening the wounds on my back .
   The teacher came in seeing my condition sent me to the nurses office.
Abigail cleaned my back tying it with bandages . Luckily I was given a  pass to go home early.
      I stopped by my favourite place a beautiful waterfall ,it was just remaining the angels singing HALLELUJAH.

   " Hey Nova"

'  yeah ' she answered

" What do you think our mate would be like"

'oh' she sighed dreamily ' I think about him every day'
" We going to be okay, right? " I asked trying to reasure myself

  'yes we would then we would finally be able to shift in public,then they would know who they are messing with' Nova said keeping my hopes up

  By the time we got home it was almost dinner time giving me enough time to make dinner. I picked an apple and went to my room, more like attic.

  Tomorrow is going to be jace' birthday, maybe his mate might stop all abuse on me or in worse case scenario joins them and makes it worse .
    Makes me think if I find my mate would he join them ?

    " No! Mate would never join them" Nova said bout it sounded like she was mostly saying it to herself.

  "But what if he does ?"

" Then I'll call out " Nova said before she cut the link. She can be emotional at times.

" Good night Nova"

' night red'

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