Chapter 9

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" What?"
How ?, is he reading my mind ? .

" That Jackson guy is your mate?".

God I want to crawl into a hole and die.

" Please answer me" I know he begged  but he sounded like he could kick a puppy and not feel sympathetic.

" Can you read my mind?"

Okay I know that sounds stupid  since every word he's said is contrary to my hypothesis.
Great I sound like a mad  scientist.

" If I answer you would you answer me ?".

Is this a business transaction why does he want to bargain?.

" Yes I promise" maybe not every thing.

" Yes I can read minds, that's the reason if the council needs someone to interrogate a criminal I'm the one for the job"

That's why  supernaturals are scared of the dragon king what's the big deal vampires can read minds too.

“the difference is that we can build a wall in our head to block leaches from reading it but no one can block me". He paused " so back to Jackson who is he".

" He is a nobody to me" damn I sound so weak what's he doing to me " he's my mate".

Nathan growled out loud ( gol) get it ?, cause there's lol?, get it?, No?, Wow tough crowd.

" There's no need to feel threatened by him, he had his Chance and lost it , if he didn't do it  then I wouldn't have met, so don't worry I won't leave you for anyone".

" What makes you think that even if you leave I'll let you out of my sight, I'll lock you up in my bedroom". Nathan said, if he thought that that was meant to be a threat then he should know that Nova just became extremely hornier than usual.

' oh , please just do it' Nova said shamelessly.

" No " plus I'm loosing respect for her.

" Seriously he wouldn't mind" no this is obsession and it is annoying.

" No!"

" Okay just lick his neck" this is too much for me to handle.

" Jeez bird shut up".

" Nova can you not make decisions for your human" Nathan just made things worse.

" Take Me!" Nova sounded desperate.

" Keep yourself under control" I blocked her out.

Nathan was so amused by the play  Nova and I displayed .

" So now that our dispute or whatever problem we had is over can we go out?,

" Yeah but since that's cleared up , we're having a bonfire tonight "  Nathan says stroking my hair like I was a China doll .

" Awww I feel so special" I fanned myself with my hand  overreacting.

" It's all just for you "

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