Chapter Sixty Four

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Ankti's POV

"Mom can we go home, I am not felling good," I said to Mom.

I did not know happened to me suddenly but I was feeling anxiety. I just wanted to home right now.

"What happened dear, are you okay?" Mom asked with concern.

"I do not know mom I just want to go home," I told her feeling impatient.

"Okay calm down, we are going home right now, let's go, I will call the driver to get the car ready," mom said and gave her a nod

"What happed Ankti, why do you what to go home all of a sudden, you were fine some time before," Aunty asked me 

"I am feeling anxiety and I want to see Arav right now, I want go home," I explained her.

"See bhabhi, nothing is serious, she is just overreacting, Arav is perfectly fine did you not talk to him few hours ago," She said looking at mom and me.

"Mom please," I started to plead her I do not why, what was happening to me.

I really do not know the reason of my sudden behavior.

Mom looked at me and nodded in agreement which crept a smile on face.

We exited from the hall where the even was going on, the driver was already waiting outside with the car as mom instructed him on call.

We hopped on the car and started to our home.

It took us more them 30 mi utes to reached home.

As the stopped I did not waste any moment and open the car door and ran towards the door.

I could hear mom's voice saying me to slow down but I ignored, right now I just want to see my Arav first.

Right now I feeling like someone was snatching something precious from me.

And nothing is precious in my life than Arav.

When I reached the door I found that it was not locked, he must forgot to lock the door.

I opened the door and put a step inside but seeing the scene in front of me made me stilled at my place.

I was looking at Arav and Shivani who was hugging each other, my body was not able react, I was just standing stunned at my place, Arav was looking shocked but Shivani was giving me a smrik.

She was looking at me like she won something.

I looked at Arav, his eyes was trying to say something which I knew what it was. We were just staring at each other with so many emotion.

"What the hell is this Arav," mom's voice broke our gaze and then he realized that Shivani was still hugging him shamelessly.

I broke the hug by pushed her hard to which she took few step back. After broking the hug he looked at me and found that I was still looking at him.

"Anku please listen it is not what you are thinking," Arav came towards me and tried to explain but Shivani cut him off

"Why are hiding now Arav when everyone saw us already, I will tell you everything, Arav like me and I also like him, we are in a relationship, so it will be better if you yourself leave us," Shivani said and I looked at Arav.

"What the hell are you saying Shivani, when were we in a relationship, are you out of your mind?" Arav said to her and anger was totally visible on his face like if she utter any other words from her mouth he will take another second to show her the hell.

I was just listening her, I was just looking them with blank expression, I really did not want them to see my actual reaction, what was I feeling right now.

"What is she saying Arav," mom asked him, she was very anger to know all this.

"Mom she it is nothing like that, I reallt did not do anything, hell I can never think of any girl other than Ankti, believe me mom," he was saying to mom but his eyes was still looking at me, like he was trying to find something in my eyes.

"What is all this Shivani, did you not know that Arav is already married, why are you lying when he did not have any relationship with you," mom asked her

"Shilpa aunty I am saying the truth," She said and started to cry.

Aunty who was looking all of this from behind went towards her and hugged her, she started to console her.

"Arav if you have relationship with her then why are denying, ( she turn towards mom and continue ) and bhabhi why will she lie about it, she is not that type of girl and have you forgot what the outsider talk about Arav's character, I just hope that he did not take advantage of this innocent girl," Aunty said accusing Arav. She made her stand up still rubbing her back.

I went towards Shivani and stand Infront of her.

She looked at me, tear was flowing from her eyes.

I could not take it anymore and slapped her hard on her left cheek, the effect of the slap made her turn towards the other side. Everyone was shocked with my sudden act.

She looked at me furiously with her hand on her cheek where I slapped her.

Then I did not waste any second to give her another slap on her other cheek.

"What are you......" Aunty tried to say some but I gave her a death glare which made her take step back with fear and shut her mouth.

"Who do you think you are, do you really think that you will tried to get close to my husband, you will hug him forcefully, you will talk rubbish about him and I will just stand and listened to everything and will not say anything," I asked her with my black expression.

Everyone was watching but no one dared to say anything because right now I was not in the mood to listen anything from anyone.

"You are trusting him, do you not know about him, he is just playing innocent in front of you and making me a villain here," Shivani said faking her cry.

"And you think I will trust you over my husband, I know his and his character better than you and do not have any need to know my husband's character from a cheap girl like, girls like you can not even get a look of him relationship is farr away," I tried to burst her imaginary bubble which she built about my husband's character and think that I will believe her over him.

"Mom I am really sorry but I do not want these people in my home, I want them out of this mansion right now," I turned towards mom and said.

"You are right Ankti I also do not want see them," Mom said glaring at Shivani and Aunty.

"What are you saying bhabhi and how can you believe them, can you not see how vulnerable Shivani is looking right now, why would she tell such a big think if there was nothing bitween them," Aunty said in anger.

"Enough Kalyani, I know my son can never do such thinks, he loved Ankti and will only love her, and you are supporting Shivani, you very well know that she is lying," mom roared at aunt to which she flinched by her outburst.

"Pack you bags, driver will drop you to the airport, I want you both out of this mansion in 15 minutes," I said and went towards my room.

In this all drama I did not look at Arav but I know his eyes were only on me.

I reached to my room and closed the door. I slide down on the floor. The scene again replayed in front of my eyes.

The tears which I was holding from the beginning started to flow from my eyes.

I really trust Arav bit I will not say that I was not hurt seeing Shivani hugging him.

I knew that she might have hugged him forcefully but it still hurt to that.

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