Chapter Eighty Four

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Arav took me to the hospital for the check up and also to check my wounds.

Once he was satisfied with the reports and satisfied that our baby wife that was the time he sigh in relief and was I.

I was also too anxious to know about mamy baby that he or she was fine or not.

Once we were done with the check ups we headed towards home.

I was really tired that I did not even realized when I slept on Arav's shoulder and snuggle into him.

I opened my eyes whenI felt myself lifting and saw that I was already in his arms.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested .y head on his shoulder a d closed my eyes.

"Ankti how are you beta," I heard mom's voice and saw her rushing towards me.

They must have came after hearing the news that I was kidnapped.

"I am fine mom, please do not worry," I assured her.

"I can not believe that they can do something like that, how can that girl stoop so low to kidnap her own cousin," mom said and her face was full of anger.

Arav made me sit on the couch and nom sit beside me following dad and Arav.

"Mom I am really okay, do not worry," I assured her again.

"And how is my grandchild?" She asked.

"They both are fine mom, she just need to rest as her body is little weak, we directly went to the hospital for check," Arav explained what the doctor informed to him.

"Arav take her to the room so that she can rest a d we will talk tomorrow," mom said and Arav came to pick me up.

"It's okay I can walk," I said and stand up but I was again lifted in the air by my husband.

"I know but I do not want you to," he said and started to walk towards our room.

Once we entered in our room he made me laid on the bed and covered me with the comforter and adjusted the AC temperature.

"Sleep for some time and I will go and tell mom to check the dinner preparation," he said and kissed my forehead. When he started to go I held his sleeve and he stopped.

He looked towards me with confused face.

"Do not go, stay with me please," I said helplessly.

He came towards me and made his way beside me on the bed.

He took me in his arms and I snuggled more closed to his, I held his shirt tightly that I did not want to leave it, I was thinking that if I leave him he will disappear any time which I never wanted in my life.

"Sleep now, I am nor going anywhere," he said softly while running his finger in my hairs and soon the sleep consume me.

"Anku baby wake and some food," I heard his voice and I was not in the mood to wake up, I really did not know why I was that much tried.

"Jaan come on eat something that you can go back to sleep," I felt him tapping on my shoulder lightly to make me wake up.

I slowly open my eyes a d his him sitting on the bed and the food was placed on the side table.

"Come on have something," he said taking the food try from the side table and placed it in front of me once I set on the bed properly.

He started to feed me and I also feed him, it was daily routine since last time he promised me that he will feed me.

"I am full Arav, I really do not want to eat more," I said stopping his hand when he bring the morsel towards my mouth.

"Just a little more baby see you have to eat properly, do you not remamber what the doctor said that you have to take care you health a d have to eat healthy food," he said trying to make me understand.

"I am full Arav I can not take it any more, I will throw up if I eat more," I said shooking my head in no.

"This is last one please for me," he said and I have to have more food reluctantly.

"Good girl," as soon as he said that word I started to feel uneasy in my stomach and I ran towards the bathroom and started to throw all the food.

He ran behind me and started to rub my back and held my hair in his other hand.

After throwing up and he helped me in wash up.

Once we out from the bathroom I glared at him.

He looked at me with a sheepish smile bit I continue to glare at him and made my way to the bed and lei down on my side keeping my back on his side.

"Baby I am sorry, I was just concerned about your health," He said placed his hand on my shoulder but I dashed his hand from my shoulder.

He placed it again and I did the same again.

Suddenly he gripped my shoulder and turned me around to face him.

"Anku baby sorry, I dis not know that your stomach would get disturbed with the little food, please baby do not angry with me," he said cupping my face and looking in my eyes.

I looked in his eyes and my eyes started to welled up and I begun to sob. He panicked after listening my my cry.

"Baby I am sorry please do not cry," He said wiping my tears but they were in the mood to stop.

I was also not sure I started to cry suddenly. It was just that I wanted to cry at that time.

"Tell me baby what happened, did it paining somewhere, are you hurt, are you still angry with me?" He asked and I nodded in no but still crying.

"Then what happened, please tell me you are scaring me," he asked again

"I do not know," I said, sobbing.

"What?" I was like he did not listen to me.

"I said I do not know why I am crying, I just what to cry," I said and started to cry more.

"Please jaan stop crying, you know na that I do not like your tears, please stop crying," he said 

"Okay tell me do you want to eat something," he asked me and suddenly my face lighten up and I looked at his face wiping my tears.

"Yes, I want to have pizza," I said and he furrowed

"No, we are nkt going to eat pizza, it is not healthy for you," he said instantly denied my request which made me frustrated.

"If you do not wnat me to have it then why did you asked me in the first place," I said in frustration.

"It is not healthy for me Anku, we will have something healthy okay," he said.

"I only want pizza right now, nothing else, if I will not get pizza then I will not talk to you and will also not let you to talk to our baby," I said threatening him

"What, why did you not let me talk to our baby," he asked suddenly with shocked.

"My wish," I said shrugging.

"You are threatening me women and that for pizza," he narrowed his eyes at me and asked.

"Yes so what," I asked him in the same tone.

We were looked at each other and at last he has to sighed deeply.

"Okay we will have it but this is the last time," he said and I nodded.

'We will see that' I thought and smiled at myself.

Arav ordered a pizza for me and we both have it, okay I have had all the pizza and he just took some bites.

Soon we slept and the the night went well and the the dreadful day.

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