Chapter Eighty Seven

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"So how are you felling, did the baby troubling you?" Sana asked as we three set on the couch.

"I am very good and no the baby is not troubling me but Arav is very much in trouble by the baby," I said remembering the things whoch Arav had to do for me in these days.

"It is baby's right to trouble you both," Sameer said.

"Tell me what would you both like to have and sorry that called you come here at the last moment but Arav was not ready to leave for the meeting and it was very important meeting for Arav, he worked really hard on this, he did not want me to be alone here and mom and dad will reach here by evening so that is why," I explained to them.

"You do not have to explain us Ankti, you can ask us to here anytime," Sana said helding my hand and giving me a smile.

"Can you girls stop your emotional talk, I am very hungry right now," 

"Okay what would you like have I will tell the maids to prepare," I asked him 

"Hmmm anything would be fine," he said and relaxed on the caouch lazily.

I called the maid and told her to prepare veg biryani for us, after taking the order she left to do the work.

We chatted till the food was prepared and went towards the dining table to have the food.

I was not that much hungry so I just had few bites but as looked at both of my friends they were looking so much hungry as they having the food like they have not eaten from years.

After having the food we again went to the living room and started to talk about office and work as I was strictly order not to attend the office from last 2 months.

"Ah," all of a sudden I felt a harsh kick in my belly and I hold my belly due to the sudden kick.

"Ankti are you okay? What happed," Sana and Sameer asked in panick.

"Nothing I am fine it just the baby kicked," I gave them a smile as it was common for me to felt these kicks but today I was feeling different.

I stood up from the chair and Sana and Sameer supported me.

"Ankti tell us if you want anything or you want to do anything, we will do it for you, you just take rest," Sana said while wiping my sweat due to sudden suffocation.

I breath hard to control the pain in my belly.

"Ahh," I again hold my belly hard sitting on the couch with thud.

Sameer gave me a glass of water and I gulp the water in one go breathing hard when I felt something between my thighs. I looked down to gasp loudly.

"Your water just broke," Sana said loudly, I did not understand if she said it in excitement or in nervousness.

Sameer was standing with a shocked look and with a little bit of excitement.

"We should go to the hospital," I nodded my head holding my belly.

Sana and Sameer helped me to stood up and also told the maids to help.

Maids placed the baby bag which I prepared in the back seat of the car.

Sana set beside me and I was holding her hand tightly and Sameer set on the driving seat. He called to Mr. Bansal as Arav was in the meeting and explained everything and then He buckled up the seat belt and started to drive.

I cried holding my belly and tears continueslu spills from my eyes. My hold on Sana's hand tightened.

"Do not worry Ankti we will be in the hospital soon," Sana said wiping the sweat which was forming on my face due to the pain.

I am so thankful to Sana, she was beaing the great support to me in this situation.

Sameer was driving smoothly and thank god he is very good and fast driver.

I heard my phone ring and Sana picked the phone and placed it on speaker mode.

We could hear a worried voice of Arav.

"Ankti are you alright?" He was possible could not breathing because of worrying about me.

"I told you I did not want to attend this stupid meeting," I felt another harsh kick and I groaned loudly while a loud cry escaped from my lips. Hearing me Arav muttered some swear words.

"Do not worry Anku, everything will be alright, I am on my way and will reach there soon," he tried to consol me but I think he was consoling himself.

"Ahhh," I cried.

"Your baby is very naughty, he/ she can not wait to meet his/ her father," I tried to lighten the atmosphere.

"Yeap, but baby could have for for me to come back home beside you, I will take a proper class of our baby once it will come," He said.

"Don't you dare to take class of my baby otherwise I will take a proper class of you," I said in cries.

"By the fuck that bullshit car is not moving," Sameer yelled slaming his hand on the steering wheel.

"Sameer you better do not drive the car extra fast," Arav scolded him and I rolled my eyes. "Ankti told me your interest in speed,"

"Arav he is driving perfectly," I shouted " at least he will help us to reach the hospital fast," I felt the pain again and screamed in pain.

"Ankti hold on for some more time, we will reach the hospital soon. I heard Sana's coaxing voive.

As if our wish came true the car came to an halt.

"We are here," Sameer notified.

Nurse came rushing to me to attend with the doctors within a minute.

I keep holding Sana's hand and we also did not disconnect the call of Arav.

I rushed in and doctors declared that I will be giving birth in an haurs.

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