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Dozing amongst the brilliant stars, slightly swaying in the soft breeze, Matilda slept. Sunny's superior intellect, despite being an infant, allowed her to defeat the henchmen and manipulate her winnings to her advantage, her liberation. After being released from the rope, she demanded to be released from the cage and escorted to the theatre. Within the child's mind, she planned an ingenious escape, yet was torn on how to proceed with the other girl that had been so kind in a household that punished the essence humanity. In front of her, Matilda soundly drifted, and with the impatient tapping of Hook-Guys foot, she made a haste decision. Understanding that, if Matilda were to be in Count Olaf's presence once more, she would be taken, and the idea of freedom abolished from any foreseeable encounter. With an absolute nod to both herself and Hook Guy, Sunny was off into the night in her mighty, wheelbarrow steed.

The peaceful night was perpetuated by the wise owl, perching on the cage silently above Matilda. Below, scuttling across the ground, was a fine, grey mouse amongst the yellowed grass. The owl's keen eye locked onto the creature and readied itself for a grand, rewarding dive. Its powerful lift-off shoving the cage. Due to the proximity of the bird to Matilda, the normally quiet movement of the feathers was amplified, startling Matilda awake in a flurry of movement. Her jump in fright caused the cage to jolt harshly on the bar and become unhooked. For a moment, Matilda gasped, and her eyes blew wide as her newly awaken mind feared for its life. The fleeting suspension in the air, caused the small girl to be remain in the impossible for a short time; hair floating past her face and the contradicting image of becoming closer to the stars while falling away; a bending illusion of distance. The sudden halting of the cage from the grappling hooks objective, offered no relief as the downwards force of Matildas weight caused the bottom of the cage to fall away. At once she extended her body find purchase on the edge of the cage. As her hand grasped the bars, she felt her shoulder slip out of place before being swung into the side of the house and falling back into suspension. By one hand, she hung on, trying to calm her breathing and ease the pain of her right arm. Reaching her other hand out to grasp, presented an unsure situation, her hands still pulsing in pain from her previous endeavour to shape the bars. As she dangled, a small tear ran down her cheek as she imagined the outcome of a fall, fear entangling her in a web of desolation.

Across the town, the Baudelaire's discreetly celebrated their victory, Violet and Klaus relieved to have Sunny in their arms once more. With the revelation of the Count's malice, with irrevocable proof, Mr Poe beckoned the children to follow with the intent to deliver the Baudelaire's to their next guardian. Underscoring the success, was a creeping malevolence initiated by the Count's escape. As they exited the theatre with Mr Poe's: "Come along, Baudelaire's," Violet and Klaus noted the absence of a certain girl. Free from the crowds, Violet pulled Mr Poe to a stop by his sleeve.

"Mr Poe," she began carefully, "What about Matilda?"

"Who?" The children could not believe the ignorance of the man but knew to dismiss it due to his good intentions but wrongfully placed trust and general obliviousness.

"The other child that at Count Olaf's house." Klaus stated through gritted teeth, and with a quick glance at Violet, continued: "Could she come with us to Dr Montgomery?".

At a loss, Mr Poe weakly replied with a 'well...'. Before he has the chance to form a sufficient sentence, Jacquelyn steps in.

"With Dr Montgomery's constant, that can be arranged, children." The striking, blonde woman looked at the Baudelaire's with utmost compassion and intelligent eyes. Bright hopeful smiles stretched across Violet and Klaus's faces. Conversely, Mr Poe scrunched his face in confusion, with a frustrated sigh, Jacquelyn turned to the man. "Due Matildas guardian being deemed a horrid man, one must assume he conducts an abusive household and therefore a new guardian must be assigned for the child and if Dr Montgomery is willing, Matilda can accompany the children in the transfer of care."

Cutting in, Klaus blurted: "She is still at the house!", more quietly adding, "Hanging from a roof..." looking at Violet, worry bloomed on their faces, hurrying Mr Poe to the car.

Matilda was only hanging a few minutes before the sound of a buzzing car engine could be heard stopping at the front of the house. With bated breath she waited for the reveal of those inside the car. Quick footfalls echoed from within the house as the back door was wretched open to uncover Klaus, and soon Violet with Sunny in her arms. As they entered Matildas sight, a thankful sob shook her free hanging body. Mr Poe appeared with a gasp at the sight of the suspended child. With a quick mind, Violet passed Sunny to Klaus and raced up the stairs. Once in the tower room, she approached the grappling device and commenced its action; slowly but surely, lifting the cage. Once the cage had reached a reasonable height, Violet reached out and pulled Matilda into the room. As soon as she was in the room, Matilda collapsed into Violet hugging her tightly with sobs wracking her form, repeatedly whispering: "thank goodness you're're're okay". Violet shushed her gently while caressing the back of her head and releasing a few tears of her own.

"Can you walk?" Violet whispered delicately, gazing at Matildas worn face coated with a layer of dried tears and red and blotchy with the severe effort. With a small nod, Matilda attempted to step towards the door, only to wobble and fall onto her knees, the muscles in her legs resigning from their cramped misuse, Violet by her side in an instant. With a kind smile Violet suggested "Piggy-back?" and lifted matilda onto her back, the younger girl too exhausted to decline. Violet was not surprised with the weight of the girls but was still shocked as it felt as though a skeleton had settled onto her back as Matildas bones slight dug into her skin. Descending the stairs carefully, Violet was met with a concerned looking audience. Almost imperceptivity, she could hear Matilda murmuring: "Thank you...thank you...thank you."



Hope you all enjoy this chapter! Thankyou so much for reading :)

Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou my lovelies!

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