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Moving to unpack the truck, Klaus grabbed a hold of Matilda's wrist and placed himself between the girl and the counts eyes; Violet interlocking her fingers with the girl's other hand. Monty's heart warmed with the display - knowing that the children would protect each other to the end. Descending the canoe on top their heads, Monty began to apologise is a hushed tone.

"I am so sorry, Baudelaires. And you, my child," reaching out and caressing Matilda's face gently – her superficial brave expression weakening with the touch. "I had no idea that our enemies would catch up to us so quickly. It is clear now that I can't turn my back for a second."

"So, you recognised him?" Violet asked in a wondered tone. All other adults had refused to see the obvious and blatantly ignored the orphans urging them to open their eyes.

"Of course, I recognised him. I'm not some half-witted banker or some member of a High Court, who's so star struck that I can't see what's right in front of me. He can wear as many lab coats as he wants and present me with as many ridiculous papers as he wants. He is no more a lab assistant than I'm a three-mouth Brazilian waxed turtle." Pausing for a breath, his eyes slid from the Baudelaires to Matilda ensnared in their protective arms. "You have a gift for assessing the intentions of beings, Matilda. Nothing could hide the look in your eyes as they fell on that nightmare of an insect. How dare he enter my home and terrify my children?!" Beginning sincere and ending in a spat tone. Matilda snuggled further back into the considerably taller siblings and allowed herself to be distracted with little Sunny's hands.

"So, what are we gonna do?" Klaus queried. "Call the authorities?"

"What does H-A spell?" Sunny answering the man's question with a 'Ha!'. "You think when I was climbing Mount Felix searching for the goat-eating cobra, that I called the authorities? No." Matilda flinched into Klaus blue knitted vest. She knew that the authorities were not always good at their job (having encountered Mrs Robin's police inspector husband, who observed as his wife experimented on the girl clothed in rags and bruises, and willing did nothing about it) but she felt that this moment of pride could be his downfall. It didn't feel right. Klaus and Violet seemingly sharing her sentiment.

As the canoe privacy was removed, Matilda's eyes locked onto the high window as the children's hands were stuffed with bags of food. "We can't afford to turn our backs, not even for a second." Matilda stayed close to Monty - as he and the elder Baudelaires lifted the canoe - fearing his safety as the obstacle in the way of Count Olaf acquiring the Baudelaires. Above, Matilda could see the Count shuffling around in his room before a lamp was placed, teetering on the edge of the windowsill.

"Besides-" With a small shove, the lamp became victim to gravity and soared through the air, Matilda stepping forward just in time to push Monty out of the way – narrowly missing the object herself. The impact on the ground caused the large glass base to rupture into many pieces, some finding their way into Montys shin. Through the worried exclamations of the Baudelaires and the insincere apologies from Count Olaf, Matilda helped Monty to his feet, hoping to tend to his wounds. While explaining to the children that it was no accident (even though they were already aware of the count's vile character), Matilda continued ushering Monty into the house, aiding with his slight limp. Despite the murderous attempt, Monty was determined to avoid the authorities, assuming his skills in criminology to keep him alive.

Once inside the house once more, Matilda practically forced Monty into the nearest bathroom and sat him on the toilet lid. Silently, the man waved the Baudelaires on into the dining room with the food, watching as Matilda bustled about in front of him. Leaving briefly, she returned with the first aid kit. Squatting on the floor and beginning to roll the leg of his pants up for better access to the laceration without a word.

"Matilda?" Monty broke the silence, but Matilda's eyes didn't waver from where she had the tweezers at his shin and carefully pulling pieces out. "Thank you." He almost whispered, not wanting to distract the girl. He placed a hand on the top her head with a gentle pat. At this, Matilda's pained blue eyes met his deep brown pools with a small smile.

Cleaning out the rest of his wound and wrapping it to avoid infection, Matilda rolled down the pant leg, satisfied with her care. Monty gave the child a warm smile and a brief sideways hug (aware of the girl's aversion to his embraces unless initiated by herself) in gratitude before moving to dinner with a significantly reduced limp. Before Matilda had the chance to sit at the table with the others, Violet shot out of her seat, placing a hand on Matildas shoulder, and guiding her back in the bathroom – shooting a knowing glance at Klaus.

"Is everything ok?" Matilda asked softly, concern creasing her forehead at Violet's urgent and slightly angry expression. Violet was rarely outwardly angry, leaving her fury and ferocity as a surprise attack. But that wasn't needed with Matilda. She didn't need to hide anything from her, and hopefully, Matilda will learn that she doesn't need to hide anything from them either.

"Matilda." The said girl shrunk a bit at the scorn in the elder's voice. "Where you just going to leave this?" With her accusation, Violet held out Matilda's forearm. The sleeves Matilda was wearing happened to be lose and baggy, hiding the injury, covering the skin where a large shard and a few smaller ones had pierced into.

"I-" stuttering Matilda struggled to find words to give the disappointed Baudelaire before her, her dull eyes darting within the vibrant irises in front of her. "I didn't even notice." She whispered so lowly Violet wouldn't have heard her if she wasn't right up close to her. With a gentle sigh, Violets anger simmered, and a slight smile graced her lips.

"Well, come on then," she said, patting the counter by the sink. "Hop up here." Matilda as she was told silently, watching Violet's face as she worked on cleaning and covering the cuts. Occasionally, Violet would glance up to meet her eyes and shoot a kind smile. "Alright! All done!" Violet declared, grabbing onto Matilda's waist, intending to help her off the bench. Before either could move, Violent leant forwards and placed her forehead on Matilda's still looking in her eyes, the other girl frozen in momentary surprise with their proximity. "If you're ever hurt, I want you to come to me or Klaus, okay?" Violet spoke with her eyes lowered. "And if you don't notice, know that we will always be here to notice, okay?" With the end of speech, she looked at Matilda once more to catch the slight nod and admiration oozing from the girl's eyes.

"Alright, lets go!" Violet said cheerfully, lifting Matilda off the counter and placing her back on her own two feet, placing an arm around her lower back to guide her into the dining room. As they emerged in the doorway, Matilda met Klaus' eyes and they mirrored smiles to each other. Beside her, Violet's hold tightened as she stared down Count Olaf, with an almost emotionless expression; her strategy in play. Her look saying, 'she is ours and if you hurt her, you won't live to see the next day'. She would not let this terrible excuse of human break them. She had seen the scars, the consequences of his lack of heart materialising in marks from burns, cuffs, glass, pins, broken bones, walls, floors, and stairs on a body that was not his - on a child that was too pure of heart for him to comprehend.

For a moment, Count Olaf found himself frightened.


Hopefully you all enjoyed this chapter! Please note that this chapter was republished 01/02/2022 because I stuffed a bit up, so please reread this if you read it before the date!

anyway, thankyou all so much for reading!!!

MATILDA (A Series of Unfortunate Events)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora