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As Monty showed the children around, the Baudelaire's allowed themselves to relax in his presence. Klaus' eyes softened as he permitted his eyes to open wide with curiosity, the harsh line of scepticism washed away. The rounded softness of Violet's expressions became authentically kind. Sunny's babbling becoming accompanied by a small content smile. Matilda was constantly running her hand over the rippled body of the flying lizard, vaguely understanding what Monty was saying, focussed on the large eyes of the green reptile nestles in her arms. The snapping of the sheet being removed from the large cage, brought her attention to the great beast before them. The pale blue of the girls' eyes met the light eyes of the viper. Despite the size of the reptile, and the menacing smokiness coating its body, Matilda could view kindness in its eyes. She knew how to spot evil a mile away, a glint hidden in the eyes she had seen so many times - she could distinguish it immediately.

"The Incredibly Deadly Viper," was the name gifted to the snake, which Monty declared kind of creepily. Matilda sharply glanced at the man; eyebrows pulled in confusion. This is no deadly animal. Just as the though passed Matilda's mind, the snake launched out of its enclosure and wrapped itself around Sunny. Klaus and Violet immediately jumped back and started firing words of distrust and betrayal at Monty. As the elder Baudelaire's grew panicked, Matilda stepped forward to relieve their worry, Klaus' constant repetition of 'Get the snake!' echoing. The viper had coiled itself around the baby and was playfully whipping its tongue out as Sunny giggles in delight. Using her other hand, she guided the winged lizard up to her shoulder, allowing it to settle between the warm nape of her neck the soft, aged material of her shirt. Matilda reached forward without a care and coaxed the snake in her arms and away from the small child, still shaking with left over giggles. The dark creature happily slithered its way up her arms and twisted its long body around her torso and the tops of her legs, capturing her in a comforting hold. The rippling muscles of the creature contracted across Matilda's form, the gleaming scales sliding over her clothes and pale skin. The cold that emanated from its flesh was welcome to the girl, who had become hot with anxiety and worry. A soothing chill worming into her veins. Once the snake was settled, its' face hung right in front of Matilda's. The vibrant green eyes staring into the girls' cool ones. Pushing its head forward suggestively, Matilda closed her eyes and leaned into the reptile's head. A sharp exhale left her lungs, the closest she had come to a chuckle, well, ever.

Throughout the encounter, Violet berated Monty for laughing while Klaus demanded he do something as the reptile coiled itself around Matilda. All the speaking had ceased the moment Matilda had leaned forward and accepted the snake's comfort.

"I'm terribly sorry, children." Monty reigned in his laughter. "I'm so sorry. Oh!" chuckles still slipping through. "But The Incredibly Deadly Viper is one of the friendliest and least dangerous animals in the entire animal kingdom," gesturing to Matilda. Violet snatched Sunny up and recovered from her heavy breathing fuelled by fear for her younger sister and the girl beside them happily nestling into the iridescent reptile. "Sunny will come to no harm. And neither will you!" Monty exclaimed with a bright smile and excited gestures, opening the enclosure for Matilda. The children watched their 'Uncle' and Matilda in disbelief as she guided the viper through the door, calmly entangling itself from her body.

"But its called The Incredibly Deadly Viper." Violet stated breathlessly.

"Yes. It's a misnomer. Do you know what that means?" Matilda tried to resist the roll of eyes as the man had been kind so far and undermining her own and the Baudelaire's intelligence was not a great idea.

Klaus replied promptly, "A very wrong name?" puzzled by the older man's decision.

"Well, a very fitting definition." As Violet and Klaus pondered over the man's sanity, Sunny cooed in delight with a smile spread wide across her face. Matilda listened silently.

Eyes slitted, Klaus says "Why would you give your own discovery the wrong name?"

"Because –" Monty went on about his payback to the herpetological society. Matilda, in a much better mood, entertained Sunny by presenting the winged lizard up to her face. The creature tilting its head slightly as Sunny giggled softly. At the sound and the sight, a small smile slithered onto Matilda's face as well.

She allowed herself to be caught up in Monty's arms as he guided them all to a desk encased by bookshelves in the room. Brushing slowly over the spines of the book, Matilda intently listened to what the slightly unhinged older man was saying about his library. She was elated that they were "not only allowed" but "implored to read these books". Books she would not have to hide or steal - books welcomed to her.

Matilda was suddenly gathered up into a huddle with the Baudelaire's, between Klaus and Violet (who was holding Sunny) as Monty's eyes oozed with adoration and longing.

"You know, I always wanted to have a family of my own." Violet and Klaus returned his sentiment with warm smiles and trusting eyes, even Matilda managed a tug of her lips. "But," he began. "Time flies like a winged lizard."' Making eye contact with Matilda, he gave an exaggerated wink.

The following few days, were the best Matilda had ever experienced, yet there were still some dark intervals. Every now and then the darkness would creep up on her, luring her to its never-ending depths. But her trusty winged lizard, that she had affectionately named 'Roti', was by her side in an instant, allowing her body to place itself in the present. Times when Roti wasn't available – when Matilda left the Reptile Room to sleep or get food – she found herself latching onto the siblings. On the night of their first day with Monty, the children found themselves in the same room but with their own beds and were pleased with the arrangement, throwing smiles between each other. After witnessing an extremely bright smile from Violet after Klaus had told silly joke, Matilda found herself locked away once more. Her eyes became void staring into blanket on top of the bed she was sitting on. Her thumb absentmindedly stroked the soft blanket as her consciousness attempted to claw its way back to the surface. The Baudelaire's picked up on the shift in Matilda's mood, the dimming of her eyes. Violet and Klaus tentatively made their way towards the girl.

Violet cautiously called out: "Matilda, are you alright?" Not receiving a response, she moved faster to sit across from the sinking girl as Klaus came and stood beside them. Violet grasped both of Matilda's hands, expecting the see the piercing blue to meet her own deep blue eyes. The lack of a reaction caused Violet to look up at Klaus in alarm, Klaus mirroring the look back. Carefully, Klaus extended his hand and cradled Matilda's chin before tilting it up. Matilda was forced to meet Violet's eyes and once she did, she put everything she had into locking her eyes on the beautiful girl's pair in front of her, saturated with care and worry. A smile graced Violets face as she met Matilda's eyes. Klaus' hand slid from her chin to the side of Matilda's face.

"There you are," Violet whispered. "You're ok." She continued to whisper sweet nothings, trying to coax Matilda out. Klaus attempted to remove his hand to allow her focus to be completely on Violet as her impromptu method seemed to be working. As he began to pull away slowly, Matilda leant her face further into his palm. A sweet smile spread across his face at the gesture, and he slowly began to stroke her temple. After a minute or so, Matilda came back to herself. Gasping slightly as she kept her eyes on Violets' and memorised the pulsing of Klaus' thumb against her temple and Violets supple hands caressing her own.

A genuine bright smile erupted on Matilda's face simultaneously with the descent if two single tears sliding down her face. The worry dissipated from the elder Baudelaire's faces as they adjusted to further comfort the girl.

Matilda felt safe. Nestled between the two, her head resting on Violets' shoulder and Klaus' hand running soothingly up and down her back, lulling her into the best sleep she could remember.


Hiya everyone!

Thankyou so much for reading! I actually can't believe this story has 10.6k reads and 326 votes! Thankyou all so much!! Please keep letting me know how you feel about the story so far through the comments :)

Thankyou thankyou thankyou, my lovlies!

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