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Rushing out the theatre, Klaus pushed Matilda ahead of him as they shouted Monty's name, praying for a response.

"What's this? Your guardian has disappeared? Dear me, dear me." The count added oh so helpfully and sarcastically. Placing his dirty hands on Violet and Klaus, Count Olaf guided them towards the car. Not wanting to be separated, Klaus swiftly grabbed a hold of Matilda's wrist that was slowly beginning to quiver. "Ah, this is just terrible. Three helpless children, and one little critter, all alone in the world, whatever shall we do next?" His gaze pierced Matilda with the word 'critter'; belittling the child who could feel herself falling.

"Drive home, or course." The arrival of Monty caused relief to course through the children, releasing and a simultaneous 'Monty' in glee. "Hello, children. It's been a long night and we have a very busy day tomorrow. Did you enjoy the movie?" Monty's casual language relieved Matilda, situated between the elder Baudelaires, carefully moving forward to grasp onto his coarse, brown jacket. Her eyes glued to where her hand clasped – reassuring herself that he was here, and that he was safe.

"It was unusual." Despite Klaus' confusion with the movie, a light smile tilted his lips with the knowledge that their guardian was safe.

"Uh, it will require some further explanation." Monty answered cryptically. "Wait in the car, children. I have some unfinished business with Stephano." At his name, 'Stephano' found himself glared at by the two elder children, a forced wide grin emerging within his beard.

"Will you be okay?" Klaus asked Monty, briefly worrying for his own and the others safety, eyes finding Matilda's slightly bowed head.

"Of course," This did not reassure Matilda. "I am your guardian. It is my job and my delight, might I add, to keep you safe. Run along." Hesitantly, Klaus and Violet moved away from Monty. Matilda found it hard to let go. "My child," Monty whispered gently to the terrified girl, raising her gaze to his eyes. He said nothing. Just gave a soothing pat onto her hand, persuading her to let go. Gradually, her grip loosened, moving to stand with the Baudelaires that awaited her.

Once in the car, Violet passed Sunny onto Klaus to pull Matilda onto her own lap; playfully sending a glare to Klaus who just rolled his eyes with a slight smile. The children watched the interaction between the two men attentively. Circling each other, Monty's eyes narrowed in disgust and Count Olaf expression shifting from surprised, to disbelief, to realisation.

"Can you hear what theyre saying?" Violet asked.

"I hope he's telling Count Olaf that his plot is foiled and he's done for." Klaus answered, Matilda just shaking her head, muscles tensed. At Monty's great declaration and grand gestured point, Count Olaf slinked off with his head hung in shame. That was too easy thought Matilda. That was too easy. Looking up to tell the Baudelaires, she saw the relief splayed across their faces, deciding to keep the thought to herself.

The drive home was considerably less tense with the absence of 'Stephano'.

"Well, Baudelaires, and Matilda, that terrible man will never bother us again." Despite the now empty front seat, Matilda didn't move from Violet's lap, tightly pursing the sleeves of the elders vibrant cherry red jacket between her fingers.

"You mean..." Klaus briefly laughed in amazement.

"That's right." Added with finality, his sinusoidal moustache echoed the movement of his nodding head. "I confronted him and threw him out of our lives forever." Interrupting himself with a proud chuckle. "The authorities are on their way."

"And we're just leaving him there?" Klaus questioned, hyperaware of the danger the count imposed. "In the parking lot?"

Monty's response was not comforting. "Under the watchful eye of a very capable ticket seller. Besides, if he does slip away-"

"Again." Violet added grimly, thumb caressing the top of Matildas knee.

"Well, it's none of out concern. We will be far, far away from here." Disregarding Violet's input. "Children, we are not going to spend the season in a research laboratory. We are off to Peru." He revealed with a smile brewing under his expression.

"Peru?" the elder Baudelaires uttered in unison. Matilda just tilting her head in confusion.

"It's a wonderful country, full of natural and slithering beauty. And what's more important, answers." The crease in the centre of Klaus' forehead smoothed out and Violet's worried eyes softened. "You must have oodles of questions after that movie. If my parents hadn't taught me about this when I was your age, my head would be dizzy with confusion. Well, once we disembark in Chimbote, you will have all the answers you need. What do you say, Baudelaires? Matilda? Are you in?"

"We're in Monty." Klaus responded with a short gleeful chuckle; grateful for the prospect of finally getting answers.

"Well, it's a good thing I stocked up on peaches and canoes. You never know when you might need to leave the country in a moment's notice."

"Life is a conundrum of esoterica." Klaus recited.

"Well said, Klaus Baudelaire. Well said."

Stepping in the Reptile Room, Matilda found herself greeted with a flurry of green and yellow; Roti finding a perch on her shoulder. She raised a gentle hand to pet his small head. Plonking next to Violet, she avidly tuned into Monty's details of their upcoming trip. Matilda was ecstatic with the prospect of being able to explore the rainforest of Peru. Of being surround by green and life.

"Then we travel inward to Ollantaytambo, in search of some geckos who have an extra leg. First one to find one gets to name it." Monty finished with a cheesy wink, causing a sweet smile to bloom on Matilda's face.

"Sounds wonderful." Klaus expressed.

"Doesn't it?" Monty jested. "Listen, children. I know that the loss of your parents was a great tragedy." Monty's hand finding purchase on Klaus shoulder in a true uncle-like manner. "But you can still have the life they wanted for you." At his words, both Violet and Klaus couldn't help but glance down forlornly. "But now, it is time for bed. Yes. We have a squidillion things to do tomorrow and a boat to catch." The conversation lightened and dwindled with a discussion of Sunny's diet, and her recently discovered love of marshmallows, leaving the five of them in soft giggles.

In their bedroom once more, Matilda felt safest. Monty bidding them good night, with a kind "Good night, bambini" and a gentle caress along Matilda's hairline, that she willingly leaned heavily into, eyes closed, encouraging the loving kiss that was placed on the crest of her head. She couldn't be more thankful for the man in front of her. Who has shown kindness she has never known through his dark eyes and wiggly facial hair and bold clothing and reptilian home and endless love and generous heart and funny shoes and fascinating knowledge and welcoming arms. The soft click of the door closing, however, flicked something in the girl. Almost immediately, her face dropped, and her expression blanched.



Thankyou all so much for reading! please leave a vote and/or comment; the next chapter's gonna be heavy

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