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As they sat down at the dinner table, Violet couldn't help running her fingers through Matilda's recently detangled hair, revelling in is softened state and unhindered movement. It was almost like her hand had a mind of its own. She would reach to Matilda's head, brush through a few times, meet Matilda's smile before stopping with a slightly sheepish smile of her own. But within a few minutes she would try again. The Baudelaire's were amazed with the work Josephine had put into the girls hair. Even though the woman was fearful and jumpy, she had earned their respect.

"Was everything ok?" Klaus eventually asked Matilda as Aunt Josephine left the room briefly.

"Yeah," Matilda nodded. "She was...she was gentle." Her thankful smile directed towards the doorway Josephine had just left through. The elder Baudelaire's glanced at each other with relieved smiles. Reaching into the pocket, Matilda carefully pulled the awakening Roti out to place him on her lap. Though the woman was kind-hearted, Matilda worried she would not take kindly to the harmless reptile - surely finding a way that he would be harmful.

Josephine soon flitted into the room, setting down bowls of food. Violet and Klaus were surprised by the soup - seeming unpalatable with its lack of taste and heat.

"Uh, cold soup." Klaus noted.

"Oh, yes. I never cook anything hot." Josephine's slight smile laced with both kindness but also fear, ignited sympathy in Matilda. "I'm afraid to turn on the stove. It-it might burst into flames." The Baudelaire's only looked on confusedly. "This is chilled cucumber soup. It's a recipe that I learned in Egypt where I was briefly employed as a snake charmer."

There was a brief silence before the clutter of the spoon. Everyone glanced towards the source of the sound to find Matilda's spoon on the table and the bowl empty. There was a brief lighting of Klaus and Violet's eyes as the observed the girls evidence of eating. They were proud. Soon, they were back trying to push Josephine for answers she did not - or would not - give.

Matilda quite liked the soup. It didn't overwhelm her digestive system - it wasn't dense and plentiful. It didn't feel enough to want to make her bring it back up again. And she wasn't going to waste an opportunity to eat. Though she had gotten better while staying with Monty, going from a lifestyle of very few meals to a healthy one, it couldn't be solved over night. She felt like she was getting better - her ribs had started to disappear into her skin, like they're supposed to be. Absentmindedly, she rubbed at the skin where her rib cage careened into her abdomen.

Josephine ushered them to stand and make their way to the stairs. Out of Josephine's sight, Matilda quickly walked to the nearby kitchen window, opening it slightly, to let Roti rest on a plant out there. She gave him a soft pat, promising to pick him back up there later. They were soon moved into the bedroom where Josephine dispersed gifts she had for the children: a doll for Violet, a pack of cards for Klaus, a rattle for Sunny and a tub of her magic detangling solution for Matilda (delivered with a cheeky wink).

"Well, I know my home isn't the warmest place, but if you follow the rules, it will be a safe one." Josephine confessed. "And as your guardian, your safety is my greatest responsibility. That is why I put cans near all the doors and windows each night."

Huh, Matilda thought. Even this woman, who has lost at least two thirds of common sense, knows that guardians are supposed bring safety. It got her thinking about Count Olaf. Was he always cruel? Had something broken him, like Ike's death had unhinged Josephine? Had he lost all thirds of his mind?

Josephine left the house shortly after to gather supplies for the oncoming Hurricane Herman. The Baudelaire's promising 'not to do anything you wouldn't do' before making their way to the kitchen to do just that. Klaus glanced up and down Matilda, noticing something missing.

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