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Matilda vacantly touched the side of her face, feeling the warm liquid that flowed steadily from the cut on her cheek and lip. The laceration was shallow, rupturing capillaries, causing an even and continuous pain; the injury stretched from her cheekbone to the corner of her mouth due to sharp and abrasive ring that Count Olaf wore, that had an intricate design that was mostly black with an eerie, almost mystical, dark green luminance. The thin lines of the steel peaked into sharp apexes which had punctured and ripped through Matilda's skin harshly. The girl was numb to the pain, as pain was such a present and imperative constant to her lifestyle. Fortunately, Klaus suffered from no bleeding, due to facing the brute strength of the mans palm. Both children nurses blooming bruises on the faces, promising a nasty colouration that would occur over the following days.

Violets' sincere and worried voice carried through the now almost empty room, in exemption from the children. "Are you alright? She asked pointedly at Klaus as Matilda kept her back facing the orphans. Klaus replied shortly as Violet reached up and placed her hand gingerly on the injured side of his face.

"No," at the slight pressure that Violet induced on his maimed face, Klaus whimpered in pain. Matilda turned around at the sound, empathy coursed through her being as she observed the twin bruise to her own on the boy's pale skin which was now painted with a fiery red as the inflammation became a mould of a caustic hand. "This isn't," Matilda stared at Klaus in confusion as the keen words were released from him.

"What?" As Violet raised the question her hand fell from her brother's cheek as she turned her gaze onto Matilda.

"Better than nothing." Though Klaus' words were spat, they spoke a Herculean degree of sadness that echoed through all the children with a deep profundity. Violet advanced cautiously and slowly towards Matilda with a caring expression that was spread over her features, her brows furrowed together and her eyes wide with compassion as her lips were pursed. As she stood in front of the girl, it became apparent how small the fragile girl was in comparison the Violet. Akin to the actions she had previously enacted on her brother, Violet rose a hand towards Matildas cheek. Matilda slightly flinched away, causing Violets frown to deepen as she continued to reach for her face. As her soft and comforting hand was placed attentively onto her cheek, Matilda almost sobbed and suppressed the ransacking exhale so that only a slight cry was released.

Matilda relished in the warmth that emanated from the teenager's palm as she inspected her wound. Matilda hadn't been handled so gently for as long as she could remember, she leaned into welcoming hand, encouraging its presence and willing for it to stay. A satisfied hum vibrated through her being as she met the concerned eyes of Violet, worry and genuine care swirling in her deep blue depths. A slight smile tugged at the older girls' lips as she noticed the movement from the tentative girl, nuzzling into her affectionate hold, burrowing into her supple palmar flexion creases that were sprinkled with callouses. The Baudelaire gazed into Matildas eyes; and behind the pain and misery within the looking glass of her soul, Violet could sense an innate strength that swims with the aqua ponds, like tenacious gold fish in a murky pond.

"Do you know where we can find first aid supplies?" Violet's melodic voice pierced the precursory moment, spurring Matilda into movement. Violet grabbed Sunny from where she'd been temporarily placed on the cluttered table. Matilda took an earnest hold of Violet and Klaus's wrists and led them out of the dining room and through the kitchen. Distant joyful sounds and speech came from the loungeroom, which the children timidly passed. Matilda suddenly and silently pulled the children to the right, narrowly missing an individual floorboard that would catch attention that they didn't want. As they reached the base of the stairs, Matilda peered around her shoulder into the loungeroom, her eyes wide to take in any possible threat or injurious movement of the adults towards the sneaking children. At her movement, Violet and Klaus glanced at each other curiously at her actions that seemed like a habit. The children began to move up the stairs, walking on their toes, trying to be a soundless as they could. Matilda abruptly halted the Baudelaire's as she gestured them to avoid the next step. With a flourish of her hand, she stalked over the step, glaring at it with burning eyes as she passed, Violet and Klaus following close behind. Hurrying across the landing to the Baudelaire's room, Matilda let go of their wrists; letting an exhale of relief escape.

Holding her hands out in a 'wait here' motion, as the swiftly ran out of her room and into the third bathroom. Her eyes flitted across the room before landing on a slightly loose floor tile; this imperfection would be missed by the common eye and the moss the grew on the floor and the mould on the basin catches any initial attention that is bestowed upon the room. Treading softly over the moss, being weary not to slip, Matilda made her way across the vegetation to remove the disturbed tile from the floor, revealing underneath it, a small red bag with a distinctive white cross on it. The material of the bag was slightly stained with grit, but Matilda was certain that its contents were sterile and effective. On her trips to the library, Matilda would occasionally take (without permission) the first aid supplies that were never used in the public space. People of this society don't read books much, the library is vacant most of the time, and therefore, Matilda concluded that there was not likely to be an accident in need of medical assistance. The librarian, though firm about silence in the library, was rather vacuous, capricious and ignorant to Matilda's crimes. The large first aid kit would be replaced monthly, which provided a perfect resource for Matilda.

Pulling the first aid kit from the floor with a satisfied smile she spun around and made her way back to the bedroom. When she entered, the children sat on the bed solemnly. They peered at the recently entered girl with quiet gazes as she unzipped the bag and pulled out three butter fly bandages, placing two on the laceration on her cheek and one on the cut on her lip. The Baudelaires watched in quiet fascination as they observed Matilda placing the bandages smoothly, effortlessly, expertly and speedily without a mirror. Once finished she handed Violet the kit with a small smile.

"There are instant ice packs in there," Matilda offered delicately and quietly. "Hold it on for about fifteen minutes, if the pain doesn't improve, wait five to ten minutes before putting it on again for another fifteen minutes." Matilda delivered her words clearly, however her voice was slightly scratchy with its lack of use. The Baudelaire's gaped at the girl as she turned around to leave the room.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Klaus called noiselessly as he awoke from his fascination.

"To clean up a bit," Matilda said definitively with wide innocent eyes. "I'll see you in the morning," with a small nod, she left.

Later that night, the Baudelaire's lay cramped in their bed with the three children resembling sardines. Matilda stood in the dimly lit kitchen, polishing the silver vigorously, sparkling refractures illuminating the room.


Hiya, so school's staring again soon, so I won't be able to update often. I'm so sorry for my slow updates, I will try when I can.

Thank you Lovelies!

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